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depression. The hypothalamic-pituitary axis imbalance can contribute to increased
gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). When there is abnormal estrogen
negative feedback via the pituitary gland, elevated prolactin can in turn contribute
to elevated estrogen levels or estrogen dominance.
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) are
hormones synthesized and secreted by gonadotropes in the anterior lobe of the
pituitary gland. In both males and females, LH stimulates the production of sex
steroids from the gonads. With aging LH levels normally rise with age in both
men and women as hypothalamic estrogen receptors become less sensitive to feedback
Due to the reduced sensitivity of prolactin receptors, prolactin levels are known
to rise with age, consequently lowering levels of growth hormone and testosterone.
Long-term supplementation with SAMe repairs cell membrane fluidity and enhances
the sensitivity of prolactin receptors, as well as GABA and beta-receptors and
probably serotonin and dopamine receptors as well. SAMe and Phosphatidylserine
increases sensitivity of prolactin and cortisol receptors resulting in lower levels of
these hormone in circulation. Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a phospholipid nutrient
found in fish, green leafy vegetables, soybeans and rice, which has broad anti-aging
effects, memory boosting, and mood enhancement benefits.
The prolonged HPA axis activation of chronic stress can create amino acid
imbalances due to certain proteins being used up in the energy generating
gluconeogenesis. Central to gluconeogenesis is the metabolism of glutamate
(glutamine and GABA) and proline and a decrease in cysteine and methionine.
There is a loss of serum tryptophan and tyrosine due to their breakdown in the
liver and an increase in glutamate and arginine. Depression of the immune system
can occur with prolonged stress, dehydration and depression due to an amino
acid imbalance generated from incessant cortisol, CRH and vasopressin secretion.
This immunosuppression is characterized by an amino acid imbalance that shows
an increase in glutamate and arginine and a decrease in tryptophan, cysteine and

One of the best articles on the neutroceutical protection of the nervous system is
by Dr. Robert J. Marshall of Premier Research Labs. The web article is called β€œThe
Overlooked Role of Chronic Infection in Neurodegeneration and Its Reversal Using
Nutraceutical Agents.” Those going through an awakening will find this useful as
will kundalini researchers.

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