
(nextflipdebug5) #1


Metamorphic hormonal secretions are felt as ever more
poignant longings and gratitudes.

The fire of kundalini is a circuitous contagion of cause and effect. Increased
sex hormone levels intensifies kundalini and increased kundalini upregulates both
the level of sex hormones and receptor sensitivity to them. This circle of cause
and effect is the basis of metamorphosis and spiritual birth. The metamorphic
hormone cycle probably follows a similar sequence to that of romantic love. Dr.
Helen Fisher who wrote “The Anatomy of Love,” says that testosterone might be
the main active agent occurring during infatuation, then the stimulants dopamine
and norepinephrine coupled with low levels of serotonin during the romantic/
obsessive phase and then oxytocin and vasopressin during the attachment, calm
and peace of long term relationship. Similarly I think that testosterone might
be the predominant agent during the priming phase of kundalini awakening
when sexual heat is stimulated regardless of one’s social context. Then during the
influx, shock and transmutation phases the activating hormones dopamine and
norepinephrine are probably predominant. Finally things settle down during the
substantiation phase with vasopressin and oxytocin giving one a sense of deep
peace and Connection. Fisher says that orgasm is associated with higher levels of
vasopressin and oxytocin and a successful metamorphosis stabilizes bliss such that
one could liken the state to a permanent brain orgasm. There is more information
on the fascinating subject of the chemistry of love in Diane Ackerman’s book “A
Natural History of Love.”
All the hormones are amplified during metamorphosis. From some of the
symptoms we can work out which ones are dominant at each stage. Track your
symptoms on a calendar, because they will fall in with your hormone cycles, and
the seasonal-month of the year. That way each month and year you will know
what to expect. The monthly and annual kundalini cycle in males will track closely
with testosterone and with females it follows the estrogen cycle. As I have said the
solar and lunar passage throughout the year is a huge factor in kundalini flow and
development, but so is large weather systems. The seasonal effect on kundalini
cycles is very apparent and easily explained. One of the factors in seasonal variability
is the increased secretion of melatonin in winter maybe what reduces kundalini at
this time, by down-regulating the production of sex hormones. Conversely the
maximum light hours of July could be why July is max-kundalini month, because
of the consequent reduced melatonin and increased sex hormones.


testosterone must increase in both men and women during the mystic/sexual
heating period in the beginning, and during the influx. Sex hormones probably
start falling off during the burnout/fall/substantiation and recovery period. More
testosterone is produced during puberty, when in love, through exercise, during
war to powerful stimulate cells, prepare for action and make the mind alert and
enterprising. So often do people relate a period of intense sexual activation at the

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