
(nextflipdebug5) #1

beginning of a kundalini awakening that I think testosterone must be fundamental
in spiritual initiation. The sexual heat does indeed feel very similar to taking a hit of
testosterone supplement, although because it’s something the body is instigating,
the sexual heat of kundalini is both more enduring, intense and portentous. It can
last for years and penetrates one’s being completely.
Consider that the several years of mystic heating that occur prior to the awakening
is fueled by testosterone, and testosterone is the hormone of individuation and
autonomy. Nature in her wisdom gives us this time of hormonal priming to prepare
our lives for the coming awakening. Testosterone by increasing one’s boundary
definition and activity level is exactly what we need prior to having our adaptive
brain (left-brain functions) dissolve in the Great Bliss. This increase in personal
power forces us to push for life circumstances that “feed and nurture” us. Thus we
prepare our nest for the period when our resourcefulness is diminished during the
awakening itself.
If the years of testosterone priming didn’t occur we would simply be too
vulnerable and exposed to external influences. The awakening therefore is more
likely to become a psychotic breakdown if the self-system is not strong enough
to hold the heightened senses and expanded levels of perception into a coherent
whole. Since stress reduces testosterone it might be that those individuals from
stressful childhoods or under excessive stress during the start of an awakening are
more likely to become unbalanced because their boundary definition and solid
self-sense has been compromised by lack of testosterone throughout their lives. If
the years of testosterone priming did not occur we would be more likely to be in
an unconscious (parasitic/codependent) social environment, which is antithetical
to awakening. So not only does the testosterone work on the biological level to rev
up our cells, it also operates in the social and lifestyle departments.
This same effect probably applies to reproductive relationships as well. Just
as Nature prepares the ground for children to be born, through the hormonal
modulation of social conditions, Nature, the causal force of manifestation,
hormonally she prepares a nest for the emergence of cosmic consciousness. The
really interesting thing would be to study the triggering of metamorphic chemistry
between the sexes through this hormonal and neurological change. This internal
dynamo seems to be propelling us forcibly toward some unknown event, like the
Eros between lovers forcing union. Yet this enormous pressure is not so much to
cause things to happen in the world, but is the very dynamic of evolution itself
melting us in the sacred marriage of inner unity. The marriage of the charges-poles-
hemispheres-sexes. We might be inspired to run here and there by this hormonal
tension until we realize that we are simply cooking in God’s melting pot. Knowing
what is going on within us helps us to get some distance from our uproarious
physiology and emotions in order to enjoy the ride.
Testosterone enhances aerobic metabolism and increases protein synthesis
in males and females. Low levels of testosterone are associated with muscle loss,
weight gain, brittle bones, impotence, loss of sex drive, irritability, depression and
fatigue. Levels tend to drop off as we get older at the rate of 1% per year after
middle age.

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