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Reasons for low testosterone levels include:

  • receptors become blocked: Estrogen gets taken up by the receptor sites and
    blocks testosterone from acting.

  • testosterone becomes bound: Testosterone gets bound to sex hormone-
    binding globulin (SHBG) leaving only about 2% of testosterone actually free
    to work.

  • Production falls: High levels of estrogen trick the brain into thinking that
    enough testosterone is being produced. Stress and sense of failure also reduce

  • testosterone converts to estrogen: Testosterone changes to estrogen
    and DHT, excess estrogen can increase production of SHBG and block
    receptor sites.

Testosterone And Kindling
Studies show that testosterone can induce mania or hypomania, in about
10% of men. There are reports of testosterone patches and DHEA inducing manic
episodes. In males, Testosterone and its two metabolites, estradiol E(2) and DHT,
enhance the development of amygdala-kindled seizures. Since estradiol has the
most potent kindling effect anti-estradiol herbal intervention may have potential
therapeutic value for males with epilepsy and might help reduce the severity of
kundalini awakenings.
Jed Diamond identifies a number of male hormonal cycles including: Testosterone,
which goes up and down four or five times an hour. Daily cycles, with testosterone
being higher in the morning and lower at night. A monthly hormonal cycle that
is unique to each man. Seasonal cycles with testosterone higher in November and
lower in April. Hormonal cycles between 40 and 55 that have been called male
menopause or andropause. Hormones change depending on stressors in a man’s
In a study with male monkeys mean serum prolactin levels increased significantly
during June, July and August in all six animals. Peak levels were observed in August
and September and then levels declined gradually to reach a minimum in April
and May. Mean serum testosterone levels closely paralleled the annual pattern of
prolactin. Mean serum LH levels significantly decreased during the time when
mean serum prolactin and testosterone levels were increasing and they increased
again at the time of decreasing mean prolactin levels, i.e. mean serum LH and
prolactin were negatively correlated.


Estrogens antagonize the effects of the parathyroid hormone, minimizing
the loss of calcium from bones and thus helping to keep bones strong. Recent
research suggests that rising estradiol levels in estrous females causes a temporary
but substantial increase in dendritic spine density of the hippocampus.

Estrogen Cycle and Kundalini
It appears that kundalini increases around 8 days after the start of menses,
probably due to the sharp peak of estrogen at this time. During menstruation a

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