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correcting both high and low cortisol levels. DHEA can also be used to alleviate
the symptoms of excess cortisol or hyperadaptosis. DHEA can improve glucose
tolerance, convert excess body fat to lean muscle mass, alleviate depression, increase
energy and decrease pain in chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia patients, decrease
joint pain and fatigue in inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, improve mental
clarity and enhance overall immune function.
The telomere caps at the ends of chromosomes determine how long we will
live. Current thinking is that every time a cell divides its telomere caps get shorter.
Once the telomeres get short enough cells have a hard time dividing and perhaps
become senescent. It has been found that chronic stress appears to speed up this
process. When cortisol is present for long periods of time and in excess quantities,
it becomes extremely toxic and can do extensive damage to the immune system.
It can also diminish muscle mass, and lead to shrinkage of our vital organs and
thinning of the skin. Our brain cells, or neurons, are extremely sensitive to the
effects of cortisol, which in excess can cause brain cells to die. Magnolia Bark Extract
lowers the stress response, anxiety and depression—almost immediately, without
side effects. Magnolia Extract promotes enhanced survival and growth of injured
brain cells, counteracts adrenal fatigue, reduces inflammation and pain, protects
against seizures, acts as an antidote for pesticide poisoning and plays a significant
role in alleviating asthma. relora is a new, non sedative herbal stress relief formula
derived from Magnolia officinalis and Phellodenron amurense extracts. It blocks
the major age-accelerating hormone “cortisol,” improves mood, reduces nervous
tension and is non habit forming.

Relora: The Natural Breakthrough to Losing Stress-Related Fat and Wrinkles
by James B. Lavalle.

Hormonal Balance: Understanding Hormones, Weight, and Your Metabolism
by Scott Isaacs

Total Renewal: 7 Key Steps to Resilience, Vitality, and Long-Term Health
by Frank Lipman M.D.

Free download pdf