
(nextflipdebug5) #1

seems to control sexual behavior through its activity in the brain. Increase ACh
levels, and sexual activity goes up (granted the availability of partners that is).
ACh is involved in the build-up toward orgasm and the urethral and vaginal
contractions that occur during orgasm as well as orgasm intensity and duration.
Acetylcholine is also the primary chemical the body uses to transmit signals from
nerves to skeletal muscles, so this chemical is needed for muscular control and
proper muscle tone, and will enhance energy and stamina. Supplemental choline
is taken along with vitamin B5, for the manufacture of more ACh in the body.
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)—enhances endurance through
helping to create ACh from choline and its role in the energy-
producing Krebs’ Cycle, which is vital for all living cells.
BlacK coHosH (Cimicifuga racemosa)—acts at the hypothalamic and
pituitary level, resulting in a decrease in Luteinizing Hormone (LH). LH in women
promotes estrogen and progesterone secretion, and maintains ovarian tissues. In
men, LH stimulates Leydig cells in the testes to secrete testosterone. With aging
LH levels normally rise with age in both men and women as hypothalamic estrogen
receptors become less sensitive to feedback inhibition. Black cohosh suppresses
LH to more youthful levels, perhaps by improving estrogen and progesterone
receptor sensitivity. Black Cohosh targets serotonin receptors which are used to
regulate body temperature, so might be useful during the peak heat of kundalini.
catUaBa BarK (Anemopegma mirandum)—is considered a central nervous
system stimulant with aphrodisiac properties. The bark is commonly used for
sexual impotency, agitation, nervousness, nerve pain and weakness, poor memory
or forgetfulness, general exhaustion and fatigue, insomnia related to hypertension,
agitation, and poor memory, hypochondria, and pain related to the central
nervous system (such as sciatica and neuralgia). Catuaba has a dopamine-mediated
antidepressant-like effect. In Brazil it is regarded as an aphrodisiac with “proven
efficacy” and, in addition to treating impotence and enhancing male sexual
performance by increasing the brain’s sensitivity to dopamine, making the sex act
more pleasurable, as well as by vasodilation, enhancing erectile strength. It also has
antiseptic, antiviral properties, the extract of which may prevent HIV.
cHaste BerrY (Vitex agnus castus)—helps to restore youthful gonadotropin
levels in both sexes by acting at the hypothalamic level to increase secretion of LH
and decreasing FSH, also causes a relative increase in progesterone and a relative
decrease in estrogens.
cHrYsin extracted from Passiflora coerulea a member of the passionflower family.
This inhibits the production of the enzyme aromatase which prevents the conversion
of testosterone to estrogen. Chrysin possesses potent anti-inflammation - able to
suppress liposacharide-induced COX-2 protein and has anti-oxidation properties.
Chrysin is able to stimulate nitric oxide release from endothelial cells leading to
vascular cGMP accumulation and subsequent endothelium dependent vascular
cniDiUm seeDs (Cnidium monnieri)—are used in classical traditional
Chinese medicine as an antibacterial, antifungal, and astringent. For antiaging,

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