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Tongkat Ali, has become popular for its alleged testosterone-enhancing properties,
libido enhancer and to treat various sexual dysfunctions. In Southeast Asia it is used
as a post partum medication, as well as for its anticancer, antimalarial, antipyretic,
antiulcer, cytotoxic and aphrodisiac properties. Its anabolic, androgenic properties
improve muscle size and strength and enhance sports performance. Since the body’s
natural testosterone promotes protein synthesis and positive nitrogen balance,
the benefits for training and workout, are muscle cell growth and increased body
strength as well as faster recuperation and recovery from muscular stress.
reD FloWer (Flos Catharmi)—Activates blood circulation to genitals, removes
blood stasis and relieves pain.
rHiZoma cUcUrmae lonGae—Helps to eliminate blood stasis, promote
the flow of energy to genital area and relieves pain.
roU conG ronG (Herba Cistanches)—One of the most popular and potent
tonic herbs that enhances sexual function, treats impotence and strengthens the
back and knees.
sUma (Pfaffia paniculata)—Suma root is an adaptogen, general tonic, aphrodisiac,
a calming agent, and is used to treat ulcers. Suma is employed as a cellular
oxygenator and taken to stimulate appetite and circulation, increase estrogen
production, balance blood sugar levels, enhance the immune system, strengthen
the muscular system, and enhance memory. It supports hormonal balance, reduces
inflammation, inhibits cancer and leukemia cells, enhances immunity and raises
libido. One reason for its many normalizing and rejuvenating effects may be its
ability to increase oxygenation and energy efficiency at the cellular level.
YoHimBe (Corynanthe yohimbe)—is supposed to be the most effective herb for
erections, however it is equivalent to 20 cups of coffee so it will trash your nerves.
Heart palpitations and excitation with insomnia for up to 30 hours can happen
after ingesting even a small amount of yohimbine (the alkaloid extract of yohimbe).
Note that yohimbe does not increase testosterone and most yohimbe supplements
contain “none” of the active ingredient yohimbine.

Other supplements for sex function include:
Ashwagandha, Dong Quai, Damiana, Dodder Seed, FoTi, Gotu kola, Licorice
root, Maca, Oat Grass Juice, Passion flower, Rehmannia, Rhodiola, Sarsaparilla,
Saw palmetto, Royal Jelly, Wild Yam. Fish oil (Omega 3) increases NO, papaya
increases Arginine. DHEA, Histidine, Vitamin B-6, Niacin, zinc, selenium,
magnesium, boron.

Hot Plants, Nature’s Proven Sex Boosters for Men and Women by Chris Kilham
The Magical and Ritual Use of Aphrodisiacs by Richard Alan Miller
Natural Sex Boosters by Dr. Ray Sahelian

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