
(nextflipdebug5) #1

could lead to the overworking and depletion of the pancreas. Thus the exhaustion
phase would include a reduction in digestive fire and assimilation, coupled with
vulnerability of the GI Tract to allergens and pathogens. One way to avoid this
is to take papaya or bromelain tablets with meals throughout active kundalini in
order to conserve the body’s own enzymes and insure adequate digestion. Also take
teas of chamomile, valerian, skullcap and wild yam half an hour prior to mealtime
to stimulate stomach acid.
Central to the perturbation of normal consciousness, kundalini awakenings are
characteristically noted for alterations in the brain’s “filtering system,” leading to
expansion in the range and depth of consciousness, sensory perception and extra-
sensory perception. Histamine stimulates prostaglandin release which increases
vascular permeability, thus “expanding” the capacities of consciousness. Histamine
is involved in balancing the electrical activity of the nucleus accumbens, which is
an area of the brain responsible for behavioral responses, filtering incoming sensory
information, and communicating with the hypothalamus and amygdala. From the
following one can see clearly what type of kundalini trip one is programmed to
go on depending on whether one’s physiology leans toward high histamine or low
histamine. Abnormal histamine levels are found in both schizophrenia and bipolar

Histadelia (High Histamine): It is estimated that 15-20 % of people with
schizophrenia have high whole blood histamine levels and are under-methylated.
High histamine individuals are more “Yang,” and typically have a history of
seasonal allergies, hyperactivity, compulsions, obsessions, inner tensions, blank
mind episodes, phobias, chronic depression, perfectionism, high libido, sparse
body hair, and delusional thinking rather than hallucinations. Physical signs can
include little tolerance for pain, rapid metabolism, lean build, profuse sweating,
seasonal allergies, and frequent colds. This condition is characterized by low levels
of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, high serum histamine and elevated
basophils (ie: the white blood cells that release histamine and other inflammatory
agents). High histamine individuals have increased folic acid; folic acid is used
along with B-12 in the production of histamine. So those with high histamine
levels need to avoid taking folic acid and B-12. About 35% of bipolar patients
have high histamine levels. To reduce histamine take quercetin, nettle leaf and
bromelain. Vitamin C inhibits the release of histamine from mast cells, and
quercetin blocks histamine receptors, and flavonoids in general reduce histamine
release and activity which protects and calms the nerve cells.

Histapenia (low Histamine): It is found that 30-40 % of people with schizophrenia
have low whole blood histamine levels and are over-methylated. People with
low histamine are more “Yin” tend toward more severe thought disorder and
hallucinations, paranoid thoughts, despair, depression, low libido, anxiety, nervous
legs, grandiosity with less pronounced obsessions. These individuals often have a
multitude of food allergies and environmental allergies but they do not typically
have seasonal allergies. Histapenia is characterized by low blood zinc, elevated
levels of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, low serum histamine, and low

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