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basophils. Those with histapenia have excess copper, which is a brain stimulant
and destroys histamine; causing brain dopamine levels to rise; copper then oxidizes
catecholamines such as dopamine thus propagating neurotoxin formation. This
causes paranoia and hallucinations in younger individuals, but depression may
predominate in the older ones. Excess copper can destroy histamine and provoke
allergies, especially if zinc is low as zinc is required for histamine storage. With
copper toxicity consider adding zinc, molybdenum, and Vitamin C. About 25%
of bipolar patients have low histamine levels.
I think during our primate origins we probably ate large quantities of vegetation
laden with sulfur compounds. These would help reduce inflammation in the GI
tract from excess histamine production and the extra sulfur would help the liver
to reduce the poisoning effect of the natural endogenic herbicide and pesticide
chemicals in the plants. Perhaps someone of low histamine levels should avoid
overdoing sulfur containing foods since sulfur lowers histamine levels in the body.
Carl Pfeiffer’s book Mental Illness: The Nutrition Connection, will aid you in
changing your histamine metabolism if you feel the need.

nitric oXiDe anD Histamine

One reason why histamine is a key agent in kundalini physiology is that it is
intimately involved with Nitric Oxide. Histamine level changes underlie many
kundalini symptoms and experiences, amplifying and augmenting any existing
chemistry. The key factor to note is that histamine up-regulates the generation of
nitric oxide, while nitric oxide down-regulates the release of histamine. As we have
read in the Nitric Oxide section, NO is an essential component the body uses in
many functions including neurotransmission and vasodilation. However in excess
it is also a potent nitrogen free radical with the capacity to kill neurons and cells in
general. Studies of asthma and other inflammatory disorders have all demonstrated
elevated levels of nitric oxide and type II nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Nitric
oxide can act as an anti-inflammatory under normal health conditions, but when
overproduced it can have the opposite effect and cause more inflammation to an
already inflamed area.
NO might serve a protective role in down-regulating histamine release from
mast cells. Stimulation of H1 receptors increases eNOS transcription, and this
may become harmful in conditions of high oxidative stress when eNOS produces
reactive oxygen species (ROS) at the expense of NO. We know that certain kundalini
events, such as a Die-off, involve highly oxidative conditions. NO can act as an
anti-inflammatory under normal conditions, but can lead to inflammation when
over produced. The trouble starts when nitric oxide encounters the superoxide
free radical and becomes the dangerous chemical peroxynitrite (ONOO), which
destroys antioxidants like glutathione, vitamin E and common flavonoids, and
damages proteins in the body. Wheatgrass juice is known to be extremely high in
the body’s natural antioxidant Superoxide Dismutase (S.O.D.) which will mop up
the freeradicals thereby preventing them from reacting with NO to form the even
more pernicious peroxynitrite.

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