
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Several factors increase levels of NO in the body: Allergies (histamine),
poor iron status, hypoxia (oxygen deficiency), estrogen dominance and Carbon
Monoxide exposure. Histamine release stimulates NO synthesis and release. It is
proposed that the increased permeability of the blood/brain barrier associated with
histamine release is actually mediated by NO. Low iron levels can increase NO
levels because hemoglobin is one of the complexing factors that bind NO in the
blood rendering it inactive. Thus we must insure that our diet contains adequate
iron. NO in turn helps to protect against the release of oxidative free iron from
iron-containing compounds. Hypoxia or low oxygen content of the blood cause
the release of NO to relax the blood vessels in order to increase blood flow to the
tissue. The H1 receptor mediates the relaxation of blood vessels and this is entirely
dependent on NO production.
NO synthesis may also become too active under conditions where there is an
excess of estrogen in relation to progesterone. estrogen dominance inhibits thyroid
function and can result from taking birth control pills, hormone replacement
therapy, or exposure to environmental estrogens. A poorly functioning liver,
exhausted adrenal glands, insulin resistance, compromised digestion and candida
can also contribute to estrogen dominance. When there is inadequate estrogen
negative feedback via the pituitary gland, elevated prolactin can in turn contribute
to estrogen dominance.
It is apparent to me both from logic and from observation of the feminization
of Guru-types, that the later stages of kundalini awakening, and especially the
exhaustion phase, are associated with increased estrogen dominance in both men
and women. I surmise that the high lipolysis, high oxidation, high heat, overworked
liver, increased membrane permeability, increased metabolic and nerve activity,
increased hormonal profile and thermogenic/futile cycling ATP generation of a
kundalini awakening all contribute toward an increase in potential damage from
NO. For this reason the histamine-NO relationship should be addressed during
the establishment of a comprehensive kundalini protocol. Although I advise
against using glutamate and arginine/ornithine during the peak, when well into
the exhaustion phase we may need to take these, and perhaps even histidine also to
rebuild the histamine system. Of course for hormone and neurotransmitter health
it is our human and relational world that determines their health...manufacturing
a healthy supportive environment and relationships is much harder than merely
taking supplements.
Researchers working on how histamine levels determine the various phases of
a kundalini awakening need to consider both the Toxic Mind Theory and the
Neuroendocrine Theory of Aging. Research will show that various events and
physiological cycles in kundalini are mediated by the interaction of histamine and
Nitric Oxide.

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