
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Histamine anD Water

During kundalini there is an increase in the demand for water by the body
and mind. Therefore throughout an awakening it is recommended that you drink
at least 10 glasses of water per day, with a drop of Himalayan Salt in each glass.
Water is the foundation of life and the regulator of homeostasis. The brain is
85% water. Around 75 % of our bodies are composed of water, 66% of which is
inside of the cells and 33% outside. If we don’t drink enough water our thickened,
concentrated blood will draw water out of the cells.
Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D. author of the book Your Body’s Many Cries for
Water attributes most degenerative disease to dehydration. His research reveals that
unintentional dehydration produces stress, chronic pains and many degenerative
diseases including Allergies, Arthritis, Angina, Asthma, Autoimmune Diseases,
Back Pain, Colitis, Diabetes, Heartburn, High Blood Cholesterol High Blood
Pressure, Migraines and Pain.
Histamine is a drought managing neurotransmitter. When there is dehydration
the body manufactures and releases histamine to regulate water intake and ration
water throughout the body. Thus histamine release is a sign of dehydration in
the body—it produces pain, asthma and allergies in a valiant effort at drought
management. However instead of quenching that drought with water we give it
Normally, when we drink water it directly diffuses into the cells through the
cell membrane. But when there is dehydration, there isn’t enough water to flow
in by hydrostatic pressure. When the blood becomes concentrated and draws
water out of the cell, the first impact of this concentrated, acidic blood is on the
membranes of the arteries of the heart themselves. Batmanghelidj says arteries
become damaged because their water is extracted by this concentrated blood
and consequently cholesterol is laid down as a bandaging system. He points out
that hypertension is one of the major indicators of dehydration in the human
body, and we further exacerbate the problem by treating it with diuretics that
further dehydrate the body, eventually causing cholesterol blockage of the arteries.
This can lead to heart attacks and small or massive strokes that paralyze. Chronic
hypertension will eventually cause kidney disease, brain damage and neurological
disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease.
When there is inadequate water to manufacture hydroelectric energy for
neurotransmission, histamine is activated to release energy from other sources, such as
from calcium bonds. In every calcium-to-calcium bond is one unit of stored energy.
Thus the bones and the calcium deposits in the body are stores of potential energy.
Histamine has the potential to release this energy, so that active exchanges through
cell membranes can take place. One example is the sodium-potassium regulation—
Potassium should be in the cell and sodium outside the cell, but when there isn’t
enough energy to keep this pump going, histamine becomes active and releases
energy for this pump. Chronic dehydration making the body resort to scavenging
energy from calcium bonds might be a leading contribution to osteoporosis. Just
think of all those dehydrated old ladies with porous bones.

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