
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Another source of heat generation in kundalini could be from the bones
themselves. I always get the feeling that the heat and energy effect of kundalini goes
right into and right through the bones, like they become semiconductors and can
carry an electric current or something. If histamine features prominently in active
kundalini like I think it does, this means some of the extra energy/heat generation
of metamorphosis could be due to liberation of energy between calcium-calcium
bonds in the bones; plus extra activity of cell production in the bone marrow as
Bones have a piezo-electric property similar to quartz crystals; when there is
increased pressure exerted on bones, the electric charge increases proportionally.
The Taoist practice of Bone Marrow Breathing uses this piezo-electric effect
through squeezing the muscles into the bones and increasing the pressure on the
outside of bones. Since histamine release occurs in an effort to generate energy
from the calcium in bones when water is not freely available, one would think
that practices such as Bone Marrow Breathing that actually increase the energy in
bones and muscles would have a stabilizing effect on histamine production in the
body and brain.
“As to water and itching...well I have to say that I unpremeditatedly started
drinking huge quantities of water about 2 years ago. And now I drink on the order of
about 5-6 quarts daily. Plus I have an ongoing problem with ‘dry itchy eyes’. Itchiness
has been a sporadic recurring symptom for the last 10 years or so. And I had a really
bizarre experience with that last December when I was camping down in Baja.
The week prior I was having a LOT of heart symptoms and anomalies. A huge
variety of experiences and such related to the heart area. At that time the main thing
happening was a vortex opening into an energy that was truly alien feeling. There
was a great soreness right in the center of the chest right over the heart that constantly
demanded attention. I found myself time and time again rubbing and massaging that
area, but much like a loose tooth, the more I worked it the more it ached and itched
and opened.
It culminated in a weird opening that lasted about 2 days – at the peak of which
I nearly went out of my mind with an intolerable itching. It was exactly as it a whole
hive of hornets were emerging from deep within the vortex and were stinging me under
the skin. Maddening itching occurred along with some wild dreams, vivid hypnagogic
phenomena and insomnia and stuff like that... It was so relentless I couldn’t sleep for
days, and was trying everything available to dampen the symptoms. It slowly went
away, though I still have an amazing array of heart-based stuff going on all the time
these days, but fortunately not involving that damnedable itching.“ Michael Du Bois
Because Michael’s heart anomaly was most intense right in the center of the
chest right over the heart—he was probably producing amrita that flows into the
blood and lymph and enters the right side of the heart (at the center of the chest),
setting up a self-reinforcing cycle of opening. Histamine has a strong vasopressin
releasing effect. And besides being an active agent in heart expansions and vessel
dilation, vasopressin is responsible for water regulation through the hydrodynamic
microtubules of the cell membrane. This one molecule at a time, microstream flow

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