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seems to be a major component of the transport system in nerve tissue. So we see
how hydration, the circulatory and nerve system are highly interdependent.
The expanded heart increases amrita production in the central nervous system
which in turn increases heart expansion. Histamine, vasopressin and nitric oxide
are consequently produced in higher quantities. This would lead to an increase
in membrane permeability, hypervigilance, hyper-awakeness from the histamine,
increase in free radical load from the nitric oxide etc... Heart expansion periods often
come with a general heaviness and fatigue; probably due to the parasympathetic/
vagus system being highly activated in order to help control the excessive heart
expansion and low blood pressure from dilated vessels. The low blood pressure
itself would cause fatigue, and as I have said elsewhere in the book the best way to
ease this fatigue-condition is to lie on the ground on your spine for half an hour.
I personally drink up to 5 quarts of water a day. the Water cure recommendation
is around 2.5 quarts or 10 cups of water a day to maintain ideal hydration. That is
above any other type of liquids one might consume. There is also an equation of
half your body weight in pounds taken as ounces of water. It is important to add
salt to this water. Dr. Batmanghelidj says that salt is the best antihistamine there is,
so it stands to reason we need to put those ionic minerals in our drinking water...he
suggests about 1/2 a tsp of salt a day, and Himalayan Salt is of the highest quality
electrolitic potential. Histamine is one the major keys in a deep understanding of
the physiology of kundalini, with huge implications for everyone, not just those
undergoing awakening.
The Fire and Water section describing Dr. Batman’s work and how it might
relate to kundalini is on my website and in BOK-2 —Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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