
(nextflipdebug5) #1

of tissues goes along way to explaining the symptoms and sensations of awakening;
and the cyclical nature of detoxification, dissolution and resurrection.
The heat generated by kundalini alters the spectrum of hormones, enzymes,
neurotransmitters, receptors, gene expression and protein synthesis. Thus there is
a “kindled fire” aspect to the process, in that an increase in transmutation occurs,
which in turn perpetuates the heat, which furthers an increase in transmutation.
The heat and oxidative stress could help to prune the neurons, for restructuring
and maturation of the nervous system. The extra heat shock proteins increase the
rate of self-organization and offer protection from oxidation.
Kundalini heat is not like hot flushes, it sticks around for months or years,
coming and going a little with the annual solar and lunar cycle and changes in
the weather. Kundalini itself is triggered by hormonal changes but it doesn’t have
the temporary biorhythmic periodacy of a hot flush. Some people sweat with
kundalini, but I don’t. The heat is not produced through increased blood flow to
the skin surface, although sometimes there is flushing of the skin. It’s very much a
nerve-heat, although some people probably do go through heat-flush type periods
associated with sex hormone release in the initial stages of kundalini.

otHer PossiBle mecHanisms For KUnDalini Heat

  • Over excitation of the nerves by having excess glutamate in the synapses or
    overactive receptors picking up too much glutamate and thereby overexciting
    the cell.

  • Stressed/overexcited nerves may stimulate histamine and prostaglandin
    release in the surrounding tissue. Although because there are no allergenic
    or immune reactions associated with the nerve heating itself, I assume that
    release of these stress hormones is not the cause of the heat.

  • Oxidation by free radicals: a scary thought which I don’t like to think about.
    Can free radicals produce the kind of excessive heat that Kundalini in the
    spine produces?

  • Free radical threat to myelination of fibers producing release of histamine and
    acetylcholine in order to stimulate remyelination.

  • Microwave generation by activated spine. According to research scalar waves
    are capable of acting on living organisms at a sub-atomic level.

  • Increased nerve flow increases the body’s electromagnetic field and this may
    facilitate cellular changes that generate more nerve heat. I don’t know whether
    simply increasing the flow of ions into and out of the neuron as occurs in the
    “action potential” would create heat.

  • Another theory which I can’t find yet in any medical literature is that
    normally astrocytes (glial cells) do the first part of glycolysis and feed the
    neurons lactate for a more rapid conversion to ATP, but during the hyper-
    adrenalized state of kundalini there might be such a demand for energy by
    the nerves that the conversion enzymes are insufficient so the astrocytes give
    the neurons glucose instead. Thus another fueling mechanism is set up where
    the first part of glycolysis (conversion to lactate) is aborted or not complete in

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