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holy experience of my life. This was the Sex with Eros phenomena that I talk
about later in Exploring the Symptoms. The spontaneous ecstasy was not just like
an amplified version of normal-sex. I actually felt like I was divine, like I was a
Goddess—which I won’t even attempt to describe.
From this pivotal opening, in which I was probably my most expanded or
realized, the next morning I awoke to find that I had flipped into its opposite. My
physiology had hyperboled into a massive autonomic shock that I call the White
shock. This contraction, I theorized years after the fact, is essential to reset the
body’s metabolism and organ function into the main climax phase of the alchemy.
The endocrine system, nervous system, immune system, viscera and the energy
generating processes in the mitochondria are reset through this extreme expansion
and contraction.
With the help of a Hakomi session to help put myself back in my body the
extreme autonomic shock gradually subsided over about 3 days. Then I went
into about a 6 month period of the main transmutation phase, with symptoms
gradually reducing over the next four years. The main phase cycled through a
series of symptoms including: the suspension of the use of my left-brain, two Die-
offs, heart-exploding expansions, gravity warping effects, intense grounding, bliss
and heat. My huge heart at this time had a contagious effect on the hearts of
others I was in contact with, so they somewhat participated in my transmutation,
and complained about being too “opened” in my presence. I discovered I had
bio-telepathic navigation to whereabouts of Mr. Universal and the sense of being
atomically pulled toward him. I also spotted him around town a couple of times by
unconsciously following my body bliss signals which directed me to go buy some
bananas. It happened four times. I would be off looking for bananas and there he
would be right in my banana-seeking path. Mr. Universal being a slightly more
edifying version of a banana fix. High stress, you see, increases potassium loss from
the kidneys and bananas are high in potassium. Potassium is needed to keep the
cellular potassium/sodium pump going; if there is inadequate potassium, sodium
enters the cell and sodium is an enzyme inhibitor. (See The Ammonia Hypothesis
for more on this.)
During the two weeks after the workshop I wrote a few pieces in an automatic
flow of the Muse on the reconciliation of the sexes, global initiations and a
model for global spirituality. I also went through a chakra awakening where I
spontaneously created a poem on the reconciliation of the sexes from each of my
chakras, starting at my solar plexus and moving up one chakra each day. This
chakra voicing experience is an inherent method of karmic blow off to free the
bodymind of tensions, allowing the yin/yang currents to marry on more sublime
levels on route to the Self. The voice of reconciliation arising from deep within,
creating a Grand Symphony of union to promote harmony between the sexes, poles,
charges and hemispheres. The chakra voicing practice bought my awakening to
a head, resulting in my achieving my Self on my birthday in a Silver Cord inner-
conjunction. After this 30 minute spinal zap, I looked in the mirror and looking
back at me was an otherworldly being with bright blue luminous eyes shining with
an inner light. I didn’t know myself, yet I was more myself.

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