
(nextflipdebug5) #1

tHYroiD metaBolism anD KUnDalini
Thyroid hormones are derivatives of the amino acid tyrosine bound covalently
to iodine. The thyroid gland secretes two principle thyroid hormones thyroxine
(T4) and the more physiologically active triiodothyronine (T3). A healthy thyroid
is intimately linked to a balanced endocrine system. The health of the endocrine
system will reflect our overall health. The thyroid is a major player when it comes
to hormonal health since it stimulates and synchronizes all metabolic cellular
functions. All tissues in the body are stimulated by the thyroid and the level of
cortisol at the cell level controls thyroid hormone production.
The hyperthyroid condition of peak kundalini will automatically eventually
lead into a prolonged hypothyroid under active condition, so it is imperative to
take adequate kelp supplementation during an awakening. Depending on what
the primary socio-psychological triggers to a particular awakening are, this will
determine the hormonal mix and whether the overall awakening serves to be more
anabolic (building) or catabolic (breakdown). First awakenings tend to be more
adrenalized in general as a fear response to the unusual chemistry. If the death of a
loved one is a trigger then this may greatly reduce sex hormone production making
the overall awakening more catabolic. Conversely if it is a great love that triggers
an awakening then sex hormones and growth hormone would promote a more
anabolic awakening.
What is burning in Kundalini? Glucose mainly, but also fat. Because of the
shock on the nescient body of first awakening, it appears that a lot of muscle and
fat is burnt as fuel...I lost 30 lbs my first awakening. The second awakening I
didn’t burn body tissue like that, so the mix of thyroid to growth hormone must
have been different...I was “hotter” in the second awakening but the increased
growth hormone/sex hormones made the second awakening more conservative/
regenerative than the first. Each awakening is flavored by our life stage and the
sociobiology of our current circumstances.
Due to acute catabolysis and shock my period stopped for 8 months during
my first awakening. Especially during the first awakening when we have no
knowledge of what is happening to us, the stress hormones may cease menses
by lowering progesterone and thyroid hormone. Perhaps after the shock of the
initiation and the boost of hyperthyroid activity the thyroid simply burns out
from the stress. The first awakening represents more of a shock as our thyroid,
adrenals and nervous system go from an uninitiated to an initiated state. Thus the
first awakening is more on-edge, wildly swinging, unintegrated and extreme, even
if subsequent awakenings are actually more intense. The shift from the uninitiated
to the initiated poses the largest jump for both the body and the mind.
In addition to T3, there are two additional active metabolites of T3: 3,5 and
3,3’ diiodothyronines, which they collectively call T2. T2 acts on the mitochondria
directly, immediately increasing the rate of mitochondrial respiration, with a
consequent increase in ATP production. T3 on the other hand requires a day
or longer to increase metabolic rate by acting at the nuclear level, inducing the
transcription of genes controlling energy metabolism, primarily the genes for
uncoupling proteins.

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