
(nextflipdebug5) #1

is shown that DSI is enhanced significantly when these glutamate and acetylcholine
receptors are activated simultaneously, and that this enhancement is much greater
than expected and cannot be attributed to mere increases in Ca2+.


Nerve cells communicate by releasing special ‘key’ molecules that are intercepted
by other nerve cells downstream. When the key molecule at right locks into the
receptor on the surface of a nerve cell, it opens a door in the membrane that allows
chloride ions to flood into the cell. This equalizes charges inside and outside the
cell and prevents the cell from firing. The keys must be removed again from the
lock somehow, or the nerve cell will be permanently prevented from firing. Certain
enzymes are produced that remove (by degrading and destroying) the keys after a
certain amount of time, so that the nerve cell can go back to work.
Drugs that have a powerful effect on the central nervous system often mimic
natural molecular keys. For example, morphine is a potent painkiller that was found
to lock into an ‘opiate receptor’ present on nerve cells and blocks enkephalins out.
The body’s key removing enzymes can’t pry it from the receptors. The endogenous
equivalent to morphine are enkephalins. Although morphine is just a forgery of
enkephalins, it’s much more powerful (and more addictive) than the enkephalins
because the key-removing enzymes can’t pry it from the receptors.
Christina Grof had an experience of morphine stopping kundalini during
childbirth. “During the birth of my first child, for which I had prepared with the Lamaze
method of breathing (very much like yogic pranayama), this enormous spiritual force was
released in me. Of course, I didn’t understand it and was given morphine to stop it as soon
as the baby was born.... Then the same thing happened when my second child was born.
This all led to more and more experiences. I threw myself into yoga, although still not
acknowledging it as a spiritual tool. My meeting with Swami Muktananda really blew
the lid off everything. He served as a catalyst to awaken what I had been resisting, which
was kundalini (the universal life force). I felt something snap inside me. A powerful force
was unleashed in my body, and I began to shake uncontrollably. Electrical tremors ran
from my toes and legs through my spine to the top of my head, where brilliant mosaics
of white light exploded. A new, involuntary breathing rhythm overrode my practiced
Lamaze pattern. I was excited and terrified. As soon as my son Nathaniel was born,
I was given two shots of morphine, which returned me to normal. I felt fearful, and
very embarrassed that I had cost control of myself. A more powerful version of the same
thing happened two years later, when I delivered my daughter Sarah.” Christina Grof


Increase in vasopressin during the heart expansions and inner-conjunctions
might be one of the factors involved in cortical shutdown during extreme kundalini
events. Vasopressin (VP) is a peptide neurotransmitter in the limbic system
synthesized in the medial amygdaloid nucleus in the presence of sex steroids,
transported to other limbic structures such as the hippocampus and septum
and secreted there by a calcium-dependent process. Its excitatory action on the

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