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throat. In a similar fashion amrita is excreted out of the G-Spot area of women
during sex. It would be interesting to compare the chemical constituents of these
two forms of amrita.
In order to be extruded from the brain during what amounts to a brain orgasm,
the likely properties of Amrita are: Small molecular size, lipid soluble, hydrogen
bonding increasing the H+ positive charge, affinity for carrier mechanisms,
produced in high concentration during maximum excitation. The amrita is forced
out of the brain at the peak of ecstatic charge, not for any purpose in itself perhaps,
but because there is simply too high a hydraulic and ionic pressure within the
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CFS) that it is forced out of the ventricles, and into the
sphenoid sinus. In the joint Samadhi of tantric union however this secretion would
act to bond the individuals in an indescribable union of mind, body and soul. (We
need an anatomist to tell us whether in extremely altered conditions whether a
transfer of CFS from the ventricles to the sphenoid sinus is possible.)
Factors of kundalini and tantric initiation that might influence the efflux of
a potent secretion of CFS that has been altered through hyperactivation of the
pineal and pituitary and other circumventricular organs include: •Increase in
temperature, release of histamine which increases the pore space between cells in the
vessel membranes and possibly increasing the permeability between ventricles and
sinuses. •A higher concentration of ions in the CSF increases the electrochemical
gradient with the membrane of the opposite charge increasing diffusion. •Ionized
water molecules with changes in the bonding angles. •Increased cerebral blood-
flow, blood pressure and oxygen content of the blood, from HPA axis activation
and increased breathing. •Increased production of CSF itself creating greater
hydraulic pressure. •Facilitated diffusion through a change in transporter molecule
in the membrane by specific amino acid, peptide or opiate. •The negatively
charged membrane surface maybe triggered into absorptive-mediated transport by
electrostatic interaction with positively charged substance (Ca 2+ or H+).
As far as the primary active ingredient of amrita goes besides the opiates
which give a profound analgesic effect, the “wakefulness” chemical is probably
a tryptamine, phenethylamine or phenylethylamine, a chemical related to
amphetamines and raises blood pressure and blood glucose levels. Research will
probably find that many secretions from about five different organs including the
pineal and pituitary may contribute to the mixture. That is the production of
amrita maybe a joint effort of the circumventricular organs secreting into the CFS.
High levels of opiates, oxytocin, vasopressin, phenethylamine, phenylethylamine
and tryptamine would render the individual into an extreme heart expanding
unitive experience, ie: Samadhi or Cosmic Consciousness. One becomes lucid
within the dream of life and life is revealed to be a dream.
“I hypothesize that performing various breathing techniques, while concentrating
on the third eye (pineal pseudo-location), will inevitably and imperceptibly stimulate
the pineal to produce less melatonin and serotonin, which in turn brings about a change
in consciousness, creating naturally the dynamic somatics of a truly religio-spiritual
experience.” Russ McClay, The Pineal Gland, LSD and Serotonin.

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