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Downside of Bliss

The depressing effect of too much bliss!
“In stress, several hormonal overrides become operative. The body assumes a crisis
situation and will begin to mobilize for a ‘fight-or-flight’ response...Several strong
hormones become secreted and will remain ‘triggered’ until the body gets out of its
stressful circumstances. These hormones are mainly Endorphins, Cortisone Release
Factor, Prolactin, Vasopressin, and Rennin-angiotensin.” Page 57,
F. Batmanghelidj, M.D., Your Body’s Many Cries for Water

enDorPHins anD DePression
The term “Endorphin” means endogenous morphine, so named because
it affects the body like morphine does. In fact beta-endorphin was found to be
48 times more powerful than morphine and even more addictive. The main
role of endorphins is as a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator, with physical,
psychological and behavioral effects. Like opiates, endorphins are known for their
painkilling, sedating, anti-anxiety properties and for producing euphoric, trance
and dream-like states. Endorphins are involved in a wide range of processes such
as: motor coordination, learning, memory, seizure control, sexual behavior and
reproduction, thirst and hunger, gastrointestinal function, water and salt balance,
temperature control, grooming, tolerance development and physical dependence
Endorphins can be found in many areas of the body including the pituitary
glands, the hippocampus, pineal glands, kidneys, pancreas, GI tract and adrenal
glands. So far 20 different types of endorphins have been found for three types of
receptors m, k and d. Included in these 20 endogenous opioids are enkephalins
and dynorphins, plus alpha- and beta-endorphins. B-endorphin selectively binds
m receptors, which is the same one morphine binds to with high affinity. The m
receptors are mostly localized to the limbic system and hypothalamus. Co-released
with ACTH from the pituitary, b-endorphin is also produced in the medial-basal
hypothalamus and widely distributed in the brain.
Neurons containing endorphins or having endorphin receptors are found in
many sensory relay nuclei in the midbrain, pons, medulla and periaquaductal gray
matter. This endorphin system produces analgesia in response to painful stimuli
by inhibiting the release of substance P. Painful sensation are carried to the brain
by thin afferent fibers that use the peptide Substance P as a transmitter.
As neuromodulators endorphins act as “inhibitory middlemen” in many
excitatory pathways, including acetylcholine, the catecholamines, serotonin and
substance P (pain). (About four-fifths of all neurons in the cortex are excitatory.)
Because of their role as potent neurochemical regulators, modulating the activity
of other transmitters, endorphins have been studied as causative agents in various
psychiatric illnesses such as depression, anxiety, anorexia, stress and other affective
mood disorders. It is the biological and biochemical basis to our personality
and behavior that determines the success and problems that we have, and our
circumstances and experience in turn determines that biochemistry.
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