
(nextflipdebug5) #1

but make sure it is not a steaming hot bath. As well as using Biosil in your drinking
water, make a strong infusion of horsetail and cornsilk to apply topically to provide
the silica to strengthen the skin’s collagen. Vitamin K, found in dark green leafy
vegetables and cabbage is necessary for normal clotting of blood. Vitamin K plays
a critical role in maintaining healthy bone density by facilitating the transport
of calcium from the bloodstream into the bone. It is also required by calcium-
regulating proteins in the arteries to prevent arteriosclerosis. Vitamin K Sources:
Green tea, cheese, yogurt, liver, meat, fish liver oils, egg yolk, blackstrap molasses,
oats, soybeans, alfalfa, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, tomatoes. Bacteria in the
intestines also make Vitamin K.
Partial loss of eyesight—can also occur with a hyperactivated sympathetic
nervous system—possibly due to high blood pressure. Sometimes the “light” from
kundalini flows through the optic nerve making everything refracting beams of
light, especially the computer screen. It is like the eyes cannot see for being blinded
by the light. Don’t worry about the loss of eyesight, focus on changing your life to
reduce stressors and actively cultivate stress reduction to bring down your blood
Headaches—During the fight-or-flight response when the body is preparing
for danger, it holds onto its fluid content by reducing urination in case of injury
or starvation/thirst. I think what is occurring with head pressure is a hypertensive,
high blood pressure situation that is fueled by stress hormone activation, causing the
release of vasopressin and histamine and the retention of salt, in an effort to retain
water. Of course the distress caused by the high blood pressure and headaches, just
feeds back into keeping the stress hormones pumping and so the cycle continues
until some radical life change occurs which allows you to de-stress and come out
of hyperdrive. This phenomenon is very common to kundalini especially in the
peak phase when our nervous system is volatile and fluctuating wildly. You will
notice that your high-pressure periods follow a lunar and annual cycle. To get rid
of hypertensive headaches and head pressure there are several things you can do.
First increase your water intake (and start making bioactive water) to insure you do
not get such a high release of renin, histamine, vasopressin and angiotensin, which
increase the blood pressure. (See Fire and Water BOK-2)
Vasoactive amines—Vasoactive monoamine may be involved in migraine
headache. These nitrogen containing substances that dilate blood vessels, include
histamine and serotonin, which are strongly vasoactive; and tyramine and dopamine
which are also quite vasoactive. Amines are normally rapidly deaminated after they
enter the body by monoamine oxidase (MAO), which is present in many tissues.
This mitochondrial enzyme catalyses oxidative deamination of almost all vasoactive
amines and so normal consumption of dietary amines is not normally a threat. But
as little as 20g of tyramine containing cheese can cause a life threatening rise in
blood pressure when MAO has been inhibited. Mood elevating Ginkgo Biloba
increases the brain uptake of serotonin. Serotonin (5-HT) is a vasodilator, therefore
a deficiency of serotonin decreases blood flow due to relative vasoconstriction.

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