
(nextflipdebug5) #1

edema on the Brain—One cause of head pressure might be an excess of the
excito-neurotransmitter glutamate in and around the glial cells in the brain due
to inadequate reuptake. This glutamate would create edema swelling by holding
onto excess water. You might try taking D-Mannose powder in your Superfood
smoothies or in capsule form to see if the extra energy provided by this special
type of sugar will help your brain cells to reuptake glutamate. The amino acid
L-carnitine prevents acute ammonia and glutamate neurotoxicity. To stop the
inflammatory cascade and take the body out of emergency mode you might also
consider changing to a low inflammation diet such as the Zone Diet. The Anti-
Inflammation Zone: Reversing the Silent Epidemic That’s Destroying Our Health by
Barry Sears. Daily consumption of fish oil is highly effective at reducing blood
pressure, lowering triglyceride levels while increasing “good” cholesterol, lowering
platelet aggregation and improving glucose tolerance. (See Keystone of BOK)
insomnia—Sometimes with kundalini we go through these periods of
sympathetic activation when blood pressure is so high we get insomnia, and there
is a tingly feeling all over the body and the nerves are raw and irritable. One
more pressure from the world and we think we are going to blow. Some of the
ways to flip out of this chemistry include lying next to a river, exercising, orgasm
and toning. If you are lying in bed at 3am and can’t get to sleep because of this
intense pressure, then turn your minds-eye into and drop your felt-sense deep into
the pressure, while breathing slowly into the solar plexus. You can often lower the
intense pressure in this manner, however you are probably going to have to make
life changes to reduce the stressors in your life.
lowering High Blood Pressure—With a right hemisphere headache you
could also start putting gratitude into your liver, and focusing your mind’s eye
and energy into this region with your hands. If it is a left hemisphere headache do
this with your spleen. Also use a heated electric massage tool to open up the neck,
especially on the side where your headaches are occurring. Try also the “Pot of
Gold” and “Opening the Mouth of God” in Psychosomatic Release section. Also
when you get these headaches or pressure you might try putting your feet in a hot
footbath to draw blood away from the head. Take plenty of baths to reduce renin
production, while focusing your breathing into your solar plexus. Use an ostrich
feather to slowly and gently caress the skin, around your face, neck, chest, the
inside of your wrists and the backs of your knees especially.
Vasodilators are used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). By widening
the arteries, these drugs allow blood to flow through more easily, reducing blood
pressure. Two or three grams per day of Arginine should help with weight loss and
blood pressure control and balancing of blood sugar and insulin. But do not take
Arginine if you are prone to headaches for it will increase nitric oxide production.
You might want to add the Thai spice Galangal (Alpinia galanga), a close relative
of ginger to your diet to help reduce high blood pressure.
To stabilize blood pressure Dr Nelson Kraucak suggests hypertensives take 500
mg of magnesium, 3 times per day up to bowel tolerance. L-carnitine (250 - 500
mg. once or twice per day) and CoQ10 (30 milligrams once or twice per day). He

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