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says that a combination of the medicinal mushroom Cordyceps sinensis and shark
cartilage gives significant improvement in blood pressure.
“Anti-Hypertension Protocol Using Shark Cartilage and Cordyceps Sinensis, Nelson
Kraucak, MD, ABFP

reDUcinG eXcess Histamine

Histamine is known to worsen asthma and eczema and to cause headaches,
stimulate gastric secretion and cause dilation of capillaries, constriction of bronchial
smooth muscle and decreased blood pressure.
skin inflammation—Mix 1 tsp caster oil with tea tree oil and rub this into
your skin this will reduce histamine induced skin inflammation. For acne, hives,
eczema induced by inflammatory cytokines and histamine I suggest zinc tablets
and topical sea buckthorn oil. Horsetail is the ultimate herb for healing any kind
of skin condition whether it be acne, eczema, chapping or burns. Bioflavonoids,
the natural pigments in fruits and vegetables reduce histamine production.
Oligomeric proanthocyanidins are a class of flavonoid antioxidant complexes
found in Grapeseed and sea buckthorn oil which also reduce histamine. Purchased
Topical antihistamines include the oils of caraway, cardamom, chamomile,
clove and lemon balm. Frankincense essential oil is also good to apply topically as
an anti-inflammatory agent, which doesn’t burn the skin like teatree oil can. You
can also apply harp seal oil to skin inflammation as it is a great source of Omega 3
long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (DHA, EPA, DPA), Squalene and Vitamin
E. You might also try mixing fresh wheatgrass juice with bentonite or pascalite clay
and making a face pack of this...leaving it on the skin for about 40 minutes.
sulfur sensitivity—Asthmatics sometimes have a sulfite sensitivity because
of an enzyme deficiency of sulfite oxidase, that normally helps break down sulfur
dioxide. Occasional patients exposed to sulfites, will experienced symptoms similar
to anaphylaxis with flushing, fast heartbeat, wheezing, hives, dizziness, stomach
upset and diarrhea, collapse, tingling or difficulty swallowing. A sulfur sensitivity
usually results in either a true allergic reaction or respiratory discomfort, not a
headache; a headache say from drinking red wine is actually attributed to the
tannin in the wine, not the sulfur dioxide.


Anti-histamine substances which naturally reduce inflammation and associated
symptoms include: Vitamin C, vitamin E, sulfur, pancreatic enzymes, alpha lipoic
acid, glucosamine sulfate, proanthocyanidins and NAC. Fish oil-Omega 3 and
GLA omega-6 fatty acid from evening primrose and borage oils. SAMe (S-adenosyl-
L-methionine) has been shown to reduce inflammation. Dr. Batmanghelidj says
that salt is the best antihistamine there is.
msm—(Methylsulfonylmethane) is a sulfur-based compound that blocks cell
receptor sites for histamine, lowering histamine levels, reducing allergy-induced
symptoms, which may contribute to inflammation. Sulfur is a component of

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