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the skins) and hard water. Raw cacao (chocolate powder) contains the highest
magnesium of any common food. Besides lowering blood pressure and increasing
blood supply to the brain, cacao also alieviates depression by increasing serotonin,
and it is a powerful antioxidant. David Wolfe’s “Nature’s First Law Raw Organic
Chocolate Powder” is the best on the market because it is cold-pressed to make
sure the processing occurs at a low enough temperature to keep taste and nutrition
at an optimum!
sprouting and Growing—I am a big advocate of adding the minerals to our
sprout/wheatgrass system to maximize assimilation, with the least amount of stress
on the kidneys. We might focus on increasing the Magnesium in our food growing
arena because the chlorophyll of plant protoplasm has magnesium that is the
most readily available to the body. For gardening the most common magnesium
fertilizer is dolomite lime that provides both Ca and Mg and neutralizes soil
acidity. Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) is also a Mg fertilizer but tends to acidify
the soil. Researchers show that phosphorus (P) is crucial for Mg uptake by roots,
and even if roots can absorb the Mg from the soil, it is not carried to the higher
plant-parts if the plants are deficient in P; so you might want to add some rock
phosphate to your soil. Organic banana skins and potash can be added to the
compost for potassium. —In Search of the World’s Best Water,
by Bill Sardi —The Miracle of Magnesium, Carolyn Dean —Great Information on Magnesium

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