
(nextflipdebug5) #1

When our HPA axis is permanently fired up, the stress hormones inhibit and
cell division and growth in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. Thus our brain
areas for rational thinking and memory atrophy and shrink leading to withdrawal
and depression. The big picture view of this shows an organism in defensive retreat
from life such that it reduces its organs of conscious perception and memory.
Modern life, with the Tiger permanently at our backs is depressing and repressing
us into living on the surface of our cognitive capacities. This hypertonality of
the autonomic nervous system constitutes what Wilhelm Reich called “armoring”
with infinite implications to the quality of the individuals life, and to our collective
culture as a whole. “We know that neurotic armoring impairs both biological
regulation and integrative intelligence, and so the self in this circumstance has
less cognition of its various intelligences and cannot draw from the full depth of
evolutionary heritage.”
Because sustained hypervigilance is so stressful, wasteful, enervating and
toxic, not to mention “brain damaging,” I believe kundalini is natures method
of giving us a second chance. It is my opinion that kundalini awakens in an
attempt to throw off this truncated wiring to allow the organism to become more
contemporarily responsive to its current environment, and to mature in a fashion
that is transcendent of its circumstances of origin. As such a kundalini awakening
constitutes an amazing act of Grace by the universe for the redemption of individual
lives. However in societies where kundalini is actively cultivated such as the Kung!,
or Eastern Cultures or Shamanistic lineage the potential for triggering kundalini is
obviously not determined by childhood malformation of the brain. The anomalies,
paradoxes and contradictions of kundalini can all be explained by the complexity
of the phenomena and the human organism and its function in general.
Considering that our first few years of life are as radical dependents, if we not
given adequate heart-eye engagement at this point I think that a “hole” in the self
develops which makes us play out codependent, addictive, power games later on.
When the primary matrix is left wanting then we beget a society of two years olds,
having two years olds ad infinitum. People normally look at the symptoms (excess
weight, ADD, alcoholism, codependency etc...) without addressing the cause.
Much better to go directly to the original wiring that was “abused or deprived”
and address that. For example I see the main causes of obesity to be lack of breast
feeding and primal mothering messing up the pleasure centers in the limbic brain.
Coupled with urban living and TV-sedentariness. Dismantling the autonomic
pain-machine can take a long time. Witnessing it is good, but kundalini, raw diet,
breathing, exercise, intimacy etc... make the pain-body go away. I don’t have much
pain-body left myself, but I would like to live a lifestyle that is essentially an anti-
pain-body lifestyle. Everything good must come out of that, and nothing good
would come out of driving ones organism like an old mule day after day without
giving it what it needs.
A lot of the damage that fetuses and infants undergo is not through human
evil but through deprivation out the ignorance of timing and development needs.
That is why I think a serious extended educational program via TV is essential,
for the general population will not get conscious child raising of their own accord,

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