
(nextflipdebug5) #1

(despair-freeze) the more powerful the force below needs to be to knock it out of
commission in order for it to be heard. And one way or another that traumatized
infant and child WILL be heard. Perhaps you could find some compassionate,
creative, playful and “safe” ways for the child to be heard, without having to give
your life over to that infant to do so. That is to consciously go “towards” the child
with open arms, rather than locking it up in the dungeon and treating it like a
dragon. You know how when you stop running from the demons in your dreams,
they turn out to be allies.
If you are in complete biological crisis you may need a temporary surrogate
mother or father figure to help you to learn to self-regulate your autonomic nervous
system. Any compassionate person with a reasonably well-developed, coherent
nervous system and vast understanding can serve as a ballast. By undergoing the
crisis in emotional tandem you will probably avoid things escalating to madness,
prevent brain damage through panic and avoid becoming prone to seizure. If you
are in crisis go immediately to the foundations of biological existence and pay close
attention to things like the following:

BioloGical imPeratiVes to selF/UniVerse UniFication

These factors need to be available on a daily basis—

  • At least a half hour a day of unfiltered sunlight on the entire body.

  • Natural light source throughout the day.

  • Exposure to the energy fields and emissions of trees and plants.

  • At least half hour of lying and sitting on the ground/grass.

  • Negative ion rich air from flowing water sources.

  • Bioactive vortexed solar/lunar negative-charged drinking water.

  • Raw-remineralized, colorful, varied biodynamically grown food.

  • Aerobic and strengthening exercise in nature.

  • Sun meditation on setting and/or rising sun.

  • Freedom from pollution, noise, traffic vibration.

  • Freedom from electronic EMF’s, Xrays, artificial lights.

Any deprivation of these conditions will mean suboptimum biology for spiritual
realization and chronic deprivation leads to breakdown of the organism and
following generations. Stay focused on something to look forward to, something
you want to do, build the image of that up in your mind, write it out and start
making plans. As soon as you engage yourself into some future fun thing, your
body-mind-spirit will come together. Your energies cannot ascend coherently
unless you are using active imagination in all five senses to visualize where you
want to go, who you want to be, and what you want to do. Kundalini “does us,”
we do not do it...the more we realize this, the further along we get with it.

  • Don’t panic, the energy of your state will tell you exactly what to do if
    you listen deeper and deeper. Long walks in nature will dissipate the most
    tenacious panic attacks.

  • Drink two glasses of water and lie on the grass under a tree. Breathing
    “harmony,” “order,” “peace” through the heart and into your solar plexus.

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