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Kundalini and Schizophrenia

Factors that trigger both schizophrenic breaks and kundalini awakenings include
circumstances of impossible dilemmas, double-binds, and avoidance/attraction, no
way forward-no way back etc... That is situations in which we cannot proceed in a
logical-prefrontal manner, but which force us to spin our wheels and to experience
angst, perplexity and frustration. Since energy is not utilized in a normal fashion
it builds and leads to a psycho-energetic crisis—the energies of flight fight, having
no resolution basically kick off either a psychotic breakdown or breakthrough—
usually a bit of both. Koans, of course operate in a similar fashion to confound the
normal rational thinking process leading to the overload of the nervous system and
the sudden progress to a new level of awareness.
Symptoms of schizophrenia include: thought disorder, withdrawal-retardation,
hallucination, estrangement, psychosis, sensory gating deficits, voices, delusions,
obsession, paranoia, feels out of time, out of space, loss of body boundaries, and
non-existent as a person. The perturbation of everyday consciousness reduces the
filtering system and presents a scale of consciousness that spans from schizophrenic
to mystic. This transnormal impact of consciousness if interpreted adequately by
the rational mind is then called mystic revelation. If however the rational mind is
off kilter then ones interpretation is called schizophrenic.
When we penetrate beyond everyday consciousness we are both more animal-
essential and more Godlike-omnipotent. We experience a range and subtlety of
interconnectedness that would be simply frightening and crazy-making to our
normal socio-conditioned repressed mode of being. Thus we only get to sense
the true nonlocality of consciousness during peak events—either awakenings or
breakdowns. That is not to say that our super-senses are not there in ordinary
life, it is just that we simply filter out the information in order to cooperate with
the dumbed down operational level that society adheres to. There is an enormous
“leveling” system that goes on unconsciously in communities where no one is
“allowed” to be more awaken than the others, and we are subtly or overtly punished
if we are.
It seems like embeddedness (attraction/aversion) in duality leads to nonduality.
For if were not “affected” by the symbols, myths and archetypes that we use to give
“story” to our lives, no psychic tension would arise to propel us out of the vice of
“normal” consciousness. As the subtle-psychic levels arise we become hyper-affected
by the imagery and our story of “me and them” and this builds up such a psychic
tension that a kundalini awakening is sparked off. After an awakening we become
more distanced and differentiated from the images, symbols, myths, stories and
personal identity that we were so entranced by before. Thus awareness has become
separated from the contents of consciousness. Perhaps this is the difference between
a schizophrenic and a mystic. The mystic is emancipated from the persuasions of
psychic content, while the schizophrenic has become lost in them.
The perturbation and removal of normal consciousness and the consequent
disruption of egoic-metaprogramming is not regression—it is not going
backwards—but merely the removal of adaptive/repressive functioning in the

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