
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Some of the chemistry could be similar between kundalini and various mental
illnesses, because of kundalini’s perturbing revelatory quality, nothing is left unseen
and unfelt within one...there is no where to hide. The former repressive hold of the
ego is released by the dissolution and so the psychic tension is let whatever
form we have stored within us. Relationships are particularly good at triggering
kundalini awakenings because our brain’s primary matrix is constructed in
relationship to our primary caregiver in infancy—thus relationship later in life
can trigger the release of incredible psychic forces bound up in such complexes as
avoidance/attraction, double-bind, relentless dilemma, rejection and abandonment.
Complexes, are webs of associations created by intense or repeated activation of
an archetype. Psychic storms based on these kinds of primary archetypal patterns
build slowly over the course of a life, underneath the repressive lid of our ego’s
coping mechanisms and defenses.
One wonders what is left after all our compensations and camouflages are
penetrated; is there a life at all if we are not doing all this secondary work of trying
to prop ourselves up, defend ourselves or kill ourselves? But unless things build up
to popping point, unless kundalini sparks up, we will remain in the clutches of
the vice that we built to protect ourselves from the reality we were born into. The
ego will not voluntarily go into that “hole” in our primary matrix...spirit however
willingly goes there in equanimous embrace to find light in the dark. Kundalini is
a spiritual force that arises spontaneously to save ourSelf from our self.
If you are intent on cultivating kundalini and you have experienced abuse,
neglect or abandonment in childhood, or exhibit borderline personality disorder
or PTSD symptoms, it would be advisable to first work on removing body armor,
undergo structure building for the identity, and group gestalt and relationship
work. If you have any form of unstable psycho-emotional condition, symptoms
will inevitably be exaggerated during a kundalini awakening. One reason could
be due to reduced central serotonergic neurotransmission which may inhibit the
prefrontal lobes from acting to damp the activity in the limbic brain, reducing
the ability to suppress negative emotion, plus the impact of our conditioning is
reduced during kundalini resulting in less psychological “structure.”
If you are congenitally schizophrenic, or interpret events in a mythic or highly
personal way then it is best to steer clear of trying to raise kundalini, because the
“self ” is just not strong enough to ride out the dissolution of self and the intensity of
archetypical psychic contents that arise during an awakening. Kundalini is a radical
amplification of our subjective eye and subjective experience that is why those
with unstable neurology can be driven over the deep end. I think this is probably
what happens in the majority of mental breakdowns. Under kundalini’s insidious
power even the strongest brains can fall into morbid-grandiose-hypersubjectivity
and think that the universe is made for them and that they control the weather
and the stars.
I think this state of pathological grandiose inflation is the fate of many
a Guru and rather than true transcendence it represents infantile fusion and
indissociation, that is magically and mythically charged (e.g. the purple and
red in spiral dynamics). Indissociation is the term used by the Swiss psychologist

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