
(nextflipdebug5) #1

glutamate and over excitation of nerve cells, followed by a hypo-glutamate period
of burnout and recovery until the glutamate receptor systems have reinstated
themselves. Thus glutamate toxicity leads to a glutamate deficiency. Pyruvate and
malate inhibit glutamate toxicity by increasing cell energy generation and therefore
increases the reuptake of excitotoxins.
The NMDA receptor is activated by the neurotransmitter glycine as well as
glutamate. It appears that it might be advisable to take glycine supplementation
during awakening as it has calming rather than excitatory properties and is used
in bipolar treatment and for hyperactivity. Also to reduce kundalini it might be
worth investigating inhibitors such as L-lysine which functions as antagonist to
glutamate receptors. Since lysine blocks the NMDA receptors it might protect
them from damage during radical kundalini events. It is likely that it will also
reduce the severity of such events. Histamine protects against NMDA-induced
necrosis in cultured cortical neurons. It has been found that about half the patients
classified as suffering from schizophrenia have low histamine levels in the blood,
and as histamine levels were increased, their health improved. (See Histamine for
more on this.)
In his book What Really Causes Schizophrenia, Harold Foster proposes that
schizophrenia is not caused by excess dopamine but by excessive levels of a
metabolite of adrenaline—adrenochrome. Adrenochrome acts as a hallucinogen,
free radical generator and neurotoxin that interferes with biochemical systems and
damages the thyroid. Dr. Foster suggests that treatment should include methods to
reduce adrenaline producing stress and slow down its metabolism to adrenochrome.
Sugar consumption and allergen exposure should also be reduced. Coupled with
a supplemental program that includes high doses of niacin, thiamine or coenzyme
Q10 along with desiccated thyroid to help thyroid damage.
“The experience and behavior that gets labeled schizophrenic is a special strategy
that a person invents in order to live in an unlivable situation...Insanity is a perfectly
rational adjustment to an insane world...Madness need not be all breakdown. It may
also be break-through.” R.D. Laing
Our personal filter of consciousness is “constructed” by genes, nutrition,
nurture, culture and experiences. The ego/superego could be “explained” through
terms of chemistry and physics associated with this internal/external development.
Did you know that with children born around a very large solar max, such as
in 1958...that a larger % tend to be schizophrenic. This perhaps shows that the
physical framework of their filtering system is somehow loosened, thwarted in its
solidification. Reality is relative. The perception of reality is determined by the lens
that sees it.
“It is understood of COGNITION that people can suffer cognitions only with
regard to their “cognitive capacities.” These capacities are understood as being bounded
within the LIMITS of an individual’s knowledge, understanding, or familiarity...with
the exception of DREAMS which frequently exceed the one’s cognitive capacities.”
Ingo Swann

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