
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Archetypal Matrix

“The Dreamer who dreams our dreams knows far more of us than we know of it.”
R.D. Laing

There are common themes in the symbols and archetypes that arise during
the energy flux of both kundalini and schizophrenia. As these images arise
biochemically within us they themselves become the resonant filter via which
we find synchronous information and events in the outer world to reinforce the
energetic power of the archetype we are preoccupied with. This process of alchemy
via correspondence between the inner and outer worlds is highly geared into the
visual cortex. We project our interiors and this adds fuel to the heat of our internal
flame. During high kundalini flow and in dreaming the repressive mechanism of
the prefrontal cortex (Superego) is reduced and we have more access to potent
dream visuals, visions and the full spectrum of psychic supersenses—including
precognition (temporal penetration) and bio-telepathic-navigation (nonlocality/
spatial penetration).
Dreams are reflections of the archetypal psyche. We cannot fail to notice that
our dream life is inclusive but transcendent of who we are as conditioned beings.
Dreams offer us a deeper human experience and understanding than we can arrive
at during our waking state. They have originality, depth, genius, profundity and
transpersonal meaning way beyond anything arrived at via the intellect. Dreams
impact us at a species level to affect alchemical transformation via emotional-cellular
retuning and processing. Since dreams are our greatest teacher, that means that the
archetypal layers of the psyche are actually superior to the intellect and the rational,
associative mind is a mere student or tool of this mind beyond the mind which is
inconceivably vast and unfathomable. If we were exposed to the full impact of this
greater mind without our normal restrictive filters we would probably never return
to the limited state that we call sanity. Because the complexity, interrelatedness,
exquisite beauty, portent and love of the archetypal realm of the Gods would be
such a shock to our habituated dissociation.

sYmBols oF tHe collectiVe Dream

Positive Images—Center, return to beginnings, lost paradise, logos of origins,
the egg, new society, new humanity, New Jerusalem, new earth, new birth, Divine
child, Mary and child, sacred marriage, androgyne, apotheosis as God or Goddess,
king or queen, deity or saint, hero or heroine, messiah, one chosen for leadership.
Quadrate fourfold structure to the World, law of One, play of the opposites.
Negative Images—Fire, the snake, chaos, lost, no nurture, decay,
dismemberment, death, dissolution in the Void, dangerous abyss, falling, cosmic
conflict, Armageddon, world domination, triumph of the Antichrist, evil ruler,
threat of the opposite, supremacy of the opposite sex, fool, clown, ghost, witch,
puny outsider, stranger danger, UFOs, alien invasion, abduction, stuck, suffocation,
possession, malevolent entities.
These various symbols also arise in the collective daily consciousness as impulses
of joint active imagination...there is indeed probably a progressive spiral pattern

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