
(nextflipdebug5) #1


to the successive emergence of these various inspirational symbols above and
beyond the interference of media. They are contagious chemical, quantum, and
visionary impulses that arise during certain periods, as nested archetypal memes
arising spontaneously from the Void impacting us all. They are probably keyed
into cosmic and annual solar/lunar cycles also. It is through the madness of this
kind of collective waking-dream that events like the holocaust or wars in general
are undertaken.
We can run into trouble with patterns of cyclic metabolic disturbance if the
interpretation the subjective experience of our awakening remains in the mythic-
archetypal realm, by being possessed by the figments of our alchemical imagination.
With the perturbation of consensus mind and the sometimes instantaneous
new levels of sensing and consciousness, we must then learn to recognize this
newfound awareness in rational, Higher-Self accepting terms. To avoid spiraling
into prolonged metabolic and cognitive chaos we must accept these new levels of
awareness and physiological condition as coming from “us” and not from an alien
entity or God. That is we must claim responsibility for our Self as it incarnates
at an accelerated pace and not project the cause of our condition onto external
people, entities or events, thereby giving away our power.
Schizophrenia, in a way, is the inability to awaken to the dream through
wholesale embeddedness in the content of the symbolic nature of the mind itself.
We are not really rational (sane) until we can rise above and witness our own
mental content objectively and disembed from our archetypal matrix. “Mind
content” seeks loving self recognition, thus if we apply meta-consciousness to our
thought processes and say something like “I see you” to acknowledge our thinking
(states), then we have more self-determination over our sense of well-being. This is
what Michael Brown does in the Presence Process. If you look at relationships in
terms of their archetypal meaning and in the context of the Hero’s Journey, you
can generally work out what needs to be done to gain mastery in the situation.
How is the way you use your mind going to serve yourself AS the world?
As an integrated human we can still “have” our story, but we must keep it in
its place by running it through a progressively rational interpretation. For it is this
rationalizing process that integrates the archetypal imaginal world (reptilian/old
mammalian brain) into the 21st Century prefrontal lobes. In schizophrenia the
individual has no objective distance between him and the objects or contents in
his mind and by being perpetually and totally engrossed in the internal drama his
biochemistry spirals out of control leading to catabolic breakdown of tissues and
affecting long term cellular and neurological processes and structures.
Chronic illness can occur due to the presence of self-generated biotoxins
which the body is unable to eliminate. These biotoxins can be cause and effect
in cyclic periods of mental illness as well as physical disorder. Endogenous toxins
are produced like ammonia, methylmalonic acid, free radicals; and an acid pH
generates a different kind of metabolism. Studies in rats show that all catecholamines
(excitatory neurotransmitters) including norepinephrine (NE), dopamine, and
epinephrine, are toxic to neurons as well as glial cells. Plus neuron excitotoxicity

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