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also occurs with excess glutamate and nitric oxide. Biochemists and physiologists
are now recognizing that these regulators or products of their metabolism as
potential endogenous toxins. Other potential endogenous neurotoxins include:
tetraisoquinolines, beta-carbolines, methylimidazoles, tryptamines, and biotoxins
produced by intestinal bacteria and these are just a few.
Certain levels of these compounds exists in a healthy organism, but when they
are over produced they can generate pathogenic toxic products under the action
of certain conditions such as mental disorder, stress, infection, alcohol or exposure
to drugs or exotoxins and pollutants. Using our mind in ways that perpetuate
metabolic toxicity creates enterometabolic disorders which have a relationship
to inflammation, musculoskeletal pain and degeneration, suppressed immunity,
autoimmune disorders and lowered fertility. Using our mind in healthy ways lowers
the body’s burden of metabolic toxins, which in turn reduces the inflammatory

(See Toxic Brain Syndrome and The Ammonia Hypothesis in BOK-2) —The connection between
pathogens, biotoxins and inflammatory and immune disorders.

arcHetYPal FiXation

If we lack powerful connection to our Muse’s higher art and purpose, this
can lead to the energy of awakening remaining in the symbolic phantoms of our
archetypal matrix. The elevated energetic activation of the autonomic-medulla and
emotional-limbic brain can hold us captive, running out their own dramas. In a
sense these captivating figments are not us, but programs entered into us via our
origins and our position in the collective unconscious. If we can objectively gain
distance from the content of our mind and emotions, we can then be still enough
for our higher purpose and spiritual vocation to emerge from the maelstrom.
Human life is all symbols. It’s all just plastic mind-stuff. We live in a mind soup of
psychoconfabulation. The art to life is to disembed from the symbols of mind-stuff
so that we can use them, instead of being “used” by them. Archetypal fixation is a
major roadblock to transpersonal growth.
Because there is an amplification of our archetypal matrix when we are running
high kundalini, we need to develop greater myth witnessing skills and become a
more conscious observer of our movie, and therefore be a more conscious director.
You can flesh out the nature of your specific archetypal matrix by looking into the
dynamics of your parents, your family role, fairytales you were attracted to as a
child, favorite icons, Theocosm of the Gods, angels, deities, the Tarot arcana and
your dreams. By doing this you can more clearly see the reason for the dramas,
people and situations you attract while in your peak kundalini energy and more
resourcefully deal with the sociobiological aspects of your awakening.
The mystic is an occultist who has dis-identified from form and symbolism.
The mind you see is an archetypal imagery device, but the mystic is “identified”
with the process or “context” of consciousness not its contents. The mystic sees
through the archetypal forms of reality to the “process” of life itself. The content of

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