
(nextflipdebug5) #1

the mind is entirely a reflection of “how” the mind works. The purification process
of kundalini reveals this “how” of the mind and in this we are released from its
My interpretation of archetypes is mostly through going through my own
amplified archetypal matrix during the second awakening, and through the mystical
dissection of my dream life. I am the world’s foremost advocate of consciously
working “with” the archetypal matrix and not being unconsciously embedded “in”
it. In this way we rise above problems of projection, myopia, lack of farsight and
interpersonal problems that hold us back from our growing edge. This present
hydrocarbon civilization is coming to an end through its own undoing because
it lacks the ability of farsight. The systemic and interconnecting problems, the
solutions which just create more problems...these are generated from a culture
that is not set on a strong foundation of logic, of causal origins, universal morality,
farsight and long range planning. Without the humanizing principle of farsight,
humanity can only be predatory, parasitic and pathological.A great book on how
archetypes play into spiritual alchemy is Tarot and Individuation: A Jungian Study
of Correspondences with Cabala, Alchemy, and the Chakras by Irene Gad.

arcHetYPal ValiDation

Validation allows completion of archetypal pattern cycles, because you can’t
complete what you negate. So we must honor the symbolic nature of the mind and
work “with” its story making functions to our best advantage, to arrive at mythic
resolutions to our life-themes. However subjective fixation on archetypal symbols
and patterns themselves, amounts to a stagnation of the flow in the alchemical
psyche and the cessation of growth toward spiritual maturity and deeper humanity.
Thus we must embrace and validate in order to complete.
For the initiate there is a lot of support out there nowadays, through various
kundalini institutes and Spiritual Emergence Network SEN in various countries.
The psychotherapy industry is slowing addressing the issue of spiritual awakening.
But there is a danger that because psychotherapists are trained in pathology not
human excellence and evolution, that they will treat kundalini as though it is a
disease. Believe me when one is studying pathology one takes on a bit of the stigma
and paranoia of the pathology. While individuals in the throes of an awakening
are as sensitive and vulnerable as they will ever be, great care should be taken to
reassure them and not drive their chemistry into a paranoiac downward spiral.
Also the energy and cyclic flow of the awakening should be honored, if the process
is countermanded, contested and stopped this can cause grave danger to the
The archetypical content should be respected and perhaps seen through
various lenses, but it should never be dismissed as delusion or mere projection. If
this happens then the whole cascade of chemistry that packs enormous energies
and psychic forces can be prematurely deflated and then it turns into a self-
destructive bomb in the bodymind of the awakener. Consequently this can lead to
such a devastating production of free radicals and catabolic agents that the mind

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