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It is this stored pain that makes us lose access to our feelings and become numb
and neurotic.
Janov found that even though it is not felt, a biologically charged memory
still remains in the system, reverberating on lower brain levels and arising as a
set of difficult symptoms whenever stressors are encountered. He found that
irrespective of whether the pain is manifest in the body or in the mind, the person
is not himself; there is a dissociation and dis-integration which is global. Both
emotional and physical pain deform cells and cause alterations which show up in
body function, body structure, health, personality and behavior. The subliminal
memory of pain shapes our interests, values, motivations and ideas. Janov found
with Primal Therapy that by reliving these traumas, patients can return back to
early events and know how they formed certain behavior and symptoms. Having
addressed the reality of the pain and released the charge individuals where better
able to move beyond their wounds and integrate their true self. Dr. Arthur Janov’s
new book Primal Healing. And Why You Get Sick—How You Get Well by Dr.
Arthur Janov, and reviews some of the basic theory behind Primal Therapy. http://www.

HolotroPic BreatHWorK

Holotropic Breathwork™ is likely to offer a similar perturbation of the
compartmentalized-neurotic ego that drugs like ibogaine would, plus raise energy,
and metabolism necessary for neural restructuring to resolve the hypertonality of the
vagus and Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis. I am not saying that breathing is a
form of drug, but that a benign intervention such applied breathing is likely to heal
the cerebellum area and reset/rewire the vagus breathing neurology. Pranayamic
breathing is one of the main keys to successful navigation and integration of a
kundalini awakening, and also key to purposefully bringing on increased kundalini
if so desired. (See Polyvagal Theory)
“Our experiences with Holotropic Breathwork have validated the concept of
spiritual emergency both theoretically and practically. They have confirmed that
the phenomena that occur spontaneously during transformative crisises are normal
constituents of the human psyche and not artificial products of some exotic pathological
process. The spectrum of holotropic experiences is practically identical with that of
spiritual emergencies; the fact that such simple means as an increased rate of breathing
can induce them certainly takes away much of their pathological sting. And indirectly,
the therapeutic and transformative potential of Holotropic Breathwork is in full accord
with the with the assumption that the same is true for most spiritual emergences.” 263,
Christina Grof and Stanislav Grof, MD, The Stormy Search For The Self.
Stan and Christina Grof have a lifetime of research into the therapeutic,
transformative, and evolutionary potential of kundalini and spontaneous episodes
of non-ordinary states of consciousness or “spiritual emergencies.” With the current
global spiritual crisis we are in a dramatic race for time with nothing less at stake
than the survival of humanity and life on earth. Grof states in his speech that if a
sufficient number of people undergoes a process of genuine inner psychospiritual

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