
(nextflipdebug5) #1

“Static” or imbalanced charges can be created by removing electrons from a
neutral atom. They can also be created by adding or removing charged atoms from
an object, and the atoms being removed can be negative or positive ions. It is even
possible to add or remove bare protons from some materials (after all, protons are
the same as positively charged hydrogen atoms.) If you have a positively charged
human body then you probably have too many bare protons (that is too many H+
ions which increases acidity.)
The electric currents in living organism flow simultaneously in two opposite
directions because there are both positive and negative charges. During Louis’s
nocturnal electrocution the electric current in his body was produced by the flow
of positive sodium and potassium atoms, negative chlorine, and numerous other
more complex positive and negative molecules. During the electric current, the
positive atoms flowed in one direction, while the negative atoms simultaneously
flowed in the other. The negative atoms behave like electrons, which drag an entire
atom along with them, while the positive atoms behave like a proton, but a proton
with an entire atom attached. The flowing negatives and positives are usually not
equal, and the speed of the positives in one direction is usually not the same as the
speed of the negatives in the other. When we receive an electric shock, no electrons
flowed through our body, only charged atoms flowed. A moving electron does not
“carry energy along”, any more than a moving air molecule carries a sound wave
with it. The charges wiggle back and forth, but the energy moves continuously
forward. This is analogous to the way that sound waves move continuously forward
through the air, while the air itself wiggles back and forth.
For those who want to look further into life energy and phenomena such as
human lightning, the field is called Bioelectromagnetism. Bioelectromagnetism
examines the electric, electromagnetic, and magnetic phenomena that arise
in biological tissues. It refers to the static voltage of biological cells and to the
electric currents that flow in living tissues, such as nerves and muscles, as a result of
action potentials. Bioelectromagnetism is the electric current produced by action
potentials along with the magnetic fields they generate through the phenomenon
of electromagnetic induction. Bioelectromagnetism is associated with biorhythms
and chronobiology, or the study of periodic (cyclic) phenomena in living
organisms. In bioelectromagnetism Resistance, Voltage & Current are treated as a
single homogeneous object.
Besides bioelectromagnetism the body (and all life) superconducts energy/
consciousness, but with kundalini the flow is amplified and this slowly removes
the blockages (resistance) from the bodymind...if the individual cooperates and
doesn’t weigh themselves down with addictions (resistances) or negative will (bad-
faith) that is. A super magnetic anomaly resulted from one intensely Kundi-
active guy’s field that was causing pigeons to crash into the windscreen of his
car. He also magnetically attracted and excited both men and women when
he walked into a room. He had a pituitary tumor and so his electromagnetic
siddhas were far more extreme than usual, blowing up this energetic experience to
occult proportions.

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