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Another is through meditation on the very nature of the “fire.” By insight
meditation on glowing coals and seeking deeper meaning of fire on the physical,
astral and causal planes—one gets the sense that ones own internal fire is not
separate from the manifest fire of the universe. The ancients knew that life itself is a
process of burning or of oxidation. Through fire meditation the aspirant gains lucid
penetration into the essence of fire beyond symbols, imagination and associations.
We would call this the breakthrough epiphany of going from doing/thinking to
Eliade talks about Tapas (heat or ardor) through which the acetic becomes
clairvoyant and even incarnates the Gods; for when the small self is transcended we
see with the Eye of the Universe. Eliade tells us that Kundalini moves in the central
channel of the spine (sushumna) by the force aroused by the mind, the prana is draw
upward through the sushumna as a needle draws a thread. Kundalini is awakened
by yoga positions and breath withholding until the prana becomes absorbed in the
Void (Sunya); that is in mahasukha, the Great Bliss which destroys all sins. The
Mahayana Buddhist scripture, The Heart Sutra, explains that all things are sunya
or Emptiness because they are unborn, uncreated, unproduced, not annihilated,
not impure, and not pure, not increasing and not decreasing.
Obviously here the Hindus and Buddhists are not saying that energy (prana)
is absorbed back into the vacuum (Void), but that consciousness enters absolute
Unity Being—otherwise known as Samadhi. Atoms in a high spin state do change
their relationship to spacetime and zero point energy, so there is probably some
profound quantum changes at this most extreme of all bio-conditions. Other
meanings for samadhi are: union, totality, Absolute Unitive Being, meditative
absorption or enstasis and conjunction; subject and object become One. There is
an excellent article by Michael Comans on Samadhi here:
The one thing that does have to be elaborated is the difference between the
physical Void and subjective Emptiness...while they are metaphorically similar they
are not the same thing. And yet the highest states of consciousness may indeed be
drawing on zero point energy. When in Samadhi one is not “contacting” the zero
point energy void so much as transcending thought because a brain so lit up with
energy is not capable of thinking...with the thinking mind gone, then the Witness
comes to the fore, and one realizes that there is Consciousness Without Thought.
This consciousness of course is unbounded, infinitely spacious, completely without
identification and encompasses total freedom, and so is spoken of as Emptiness.
However while in Samadhi or inner-conjunction one’s physical form is in its
highest rev state and has a different orientation and interaction with the physical
Void/Zero point energy. The quantum realm cannot be denied in any kundalini
theory, and we can say things for sure like proteins are rapidly ordered by quantum
tunneling processes. It is apparent that the physical world is the encrustation of
quantum reality. And so we can say that we are going back to our SOURCE
within during inner-conjunctions/Samadhi. We are in a sense experiencing as far
as the human organism is possible to experience both the impact of the physical
Void and subjective Emptiness.

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