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Terrence McKenna said that time is composed of elements, nested fractal
elements and that synchronicity is the fractal nesting of interior and exterior events.
Perturb our present point awareness and “depth” of consciousness percolates to the
surface. Or deeper layers of consciousness percolate to the surface and perturb our
present point awareness. This loosens our sense of linear time. Through Kundalini
with its expansion of consciousness and increase in communication between the
brain hemispheres, our life comes to a conjuncture. The time current from the past
and the future seem to collide in an experience that is “out of time.” In Kundalini
our awareness and senses are greatly expanded. Our emotions and experiences are
more extreme than we could possibly imagine. It truly is the realm of miracles,
when our life reaches that critical apex where the past and the future touch infinity.
They say on a quantum level time runs in both directions, but this experience of
the nexus of our lives cannot be expressed in words.
A kundalini awakening is an endogenous, automatic, autopoietic cascade of
happenstance and chemistry. It is a pre-destined Great Attractor that our lives
inevitably lead up to and are resolved away from. As such it is a huge blip on the
radar screen of our life. With heightened kundalini something strange happens
to time...this ineffable sense of timelessness, or the penetration of the illusion of
time, is the nexus of ones archetypal psyche. The depth-psi mind is trans-space
and operates in multi-layered metaphor that extends into our linear mind
through time like the progressive opening of Russian nesting dolls.
With spiritual acceleration our sense of self expands along the umbilical cord
of Cosmic Consciousness, through which inapprehensible Timelessness is sensed.
The Ever Present Witness “at” the ground of Being shines brighter encompassing
both more of the past, present and future. It is this that gives us the sense of
Timelessness. The inner alchemical marriage seems to expand our Present Point
of Awareness to encompass the tacit sense of our Total Life. In the Absolute sense
our entire life occurs in this instant and throughout Eternity. We are not aliens lost
in the unknown, we are the Absolute unfolding Universe. Time and Timelessness,

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