
(nextflipdebug5) #1

relative and Absolute are one in this great passion, as we awaken to the Great Spirit
Heightened kundalini gives us a translinear experience of time, through which
we realize and build our transrational faculties. With the heightened sensibilities
of kundalini we learn that our body-soul knows what is coming up in future
time even when we do not consciously know. Whatever stage of the alchemy we
are experiencing “now” is because in the future there will be this next inevitable
sequence of the alchemy arising. At all times our physiology is preparing for the
next event. Whatever is happening “now” is due to that which is preordained to
happen in the future.
Throughout the awakening ego-function is less solid and there is a dissolving of
the sense of “I.” This conserves the energy that would have gone into daily life for
the metamorphic chemistry itself. Perhaps our ego becomes more indeterminate
because our normal conscious range is amended with extra bandwidths from the
subconscious and transconscious. Until we have integrated these new levels we
feel somewhat like a fish out of water, and at the same time never more ourSelves.
While the ego structure is “less solid” it is also more reactive—and this serves to
speed processing, detoxification and conscious recognition of things we normally
would be oblivious to.
The ego completely disappears during states of extreme kundalini, but then
it comes back hours or days after. What is really interesting is that when the ego
does disappear and only witness remains, we are paralyzed and we lose our sense
of time. Ekhart Tolle said when you negate ego you negate time. Perhaps there is
a pre-egoic uroboric loss of time, and a trans-egoic Cosmic loss of time. Pre-egoic
time loss constitutes oblivion and trans-egoic is nirvana; different brain chemistry
on the one hand leading to a diminishment of consciousness and on the other an
expansion of consciousness. “To be conscious is not to be in time.” T.S. Elliot
If we consciously incarnate or witness our Presence Now then the psychological
need for external security lessens. Fear for our security is related to past memory
and future time. The time-bound ego is simply one that has not adequately delved
into states of trans-egoic loss of time and come back to loosen its obsession with
the past and future. The quality of a human life is reflected in how deeply Infinity
is experienced Now.
Fasting increases depth penetration of consciousness, by increasing the
perception of conscious-bites/second, this slows our subjective experience of time.
This increase in conscious-bites/second is what makes reality more vivid with
kundalini, drugs, or falling in love etc... Basically fasting reduces the “noise”...
one can talk about chemical interference of toxins and metabolites, but really it
is also evident on the quantum level, with reduction in quantum interference.
Whenever élan vital rises we register more conscious-bites per second.
“Movies seem continuous, but they are actually sequences of frames. The notion
of consciousness as a sequence of discrete moments is consistent with Buddhist reports
which counted events occurring at around twenty millisecond intervals. That’s actually
close to the 40 Hz activity which Crick and Koch (1989) portray as the neural correlate
of consciousness. The frequency of conscious events could determine subjective sense of

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