
(nextflipdebug5) #1


time. For great athletes like Michael Jordan, time slows down. To him, the other players
are in slow motion. Michael may just be having more conscious events per second than
the rest of us. “ Stuart Hameroff
One of the best books out there on the perception of time and precognition is
An Arrow Through Chaos: How we see into the Future by David Loye.


Some wise person once said that “Isn’t synchronicity just increased conscious
awareness?” Enjoy synchronicity while it’s happening because the intensity of it
will come and go, and other forms of weirdness may arise. For example when a
friend was visiting for the first week we saw nothing but paradox
we coined the term God-Damn-Paradox. Synchronicity does make life seem like
a drug trip some days.
How to make sure ones actions are correct? To a certain extent we only know if
we have acted correctly in hindsight. If you are in the flow with your brakes off your
actions will be correct to the circumstances. Our primary programming can show
its head and interfere with our ability to get into flow...but if we are observant we
can catch these neurotic ticks, and work to do better at staying in flow next time.
Keeping the body pumped up energetically with wheatgrass/spirulina and opened
up with hot/cold water and yoga, and the brain pliable with meditation/toning
and we are more likely to be openly responding to flow in the moment.
Also with synchronicity the little-mind that normally associated with ourselves,
seems to make all these apparent mistakes, which it turns out that Bigmind is
making...and which turn out to be the correct moves. That is as we start to
operate from the larger mind, we start to see the insufficiency and finitude of the
habituated mind...and yet we are not quite at the point where we can claim this
larger consciousness as us, but it feels like a holy visitor showing us around and
making our usual self look like a fool or very inept and limited. This is the main
function of dreams and psi activity I a stage leap into deeper dimensions
of ourselves and the Kosmos. Psi and dreams seem mostly to occur to show us that
a profoundly deeper experience of reality is possible.
There are temporal distortions related to longing and search mode. As consciousness
brightens we feel things are speeding up because we gain a greater perception of
the inertia (grossness and resistance) we still embody, which is now being brought
to awareness. We have the sense of “waiting” or “urgency” because we are not
registering the patience (non push/pull) that you can only get with Presence.
Deprivation mode is simply a lack of Presence, and so Presence is the only thing
that satisfies. Presence is a prior necessity to success in life. The more work we do
to clear out the bugs in our emotional and rational processes that weigh us down
and keep our inertial gravitation around the conventional-conditioned consensus
mind...the more we stabilize this higher level where both timelessness and nonlocal
consciousness, dream and awaking seem to be interpenetrated. The more people in
a community that are acting in flow, the more synchronicity happens. You might
want to start documenting the synchronicities and formulating theories on time
and nonlocal consciousness.

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