
(nextflipdebug5) #1

As the potential for enlightenment is infinite there must always be an interference
pattern on the sector boundary in moving from a former state/stage to a new
and higher state/stage. When we are not used to witnessing this shift it would
appear first as “disorientation.” But as we get used to moving into deeper layers, it
would be felt more as a “reorientation” and then a “proorientation” and eventually
a “prioriorientation.” Essentially following the path of Self remembrance, an
anamnesis that is the Passion of the Muse. The “tension of transformation” is the
proprioception of moving from acceleration to synchronization, synchronicity or


The idea of Kairos or “God’s Time” is perfectly explained by this quote by Jose
Arguelles in “The Mayan Factor.” “A resonant frequency juncture can be defined as
the synchronization of two or more tonal spectrums which join momentary need with
universal purpose.” 56
As a deeper state of witnessing occurs it is centered in consciousness itself,
not in the objects or contents of consciousness. When we are no longer identified
with our thoughts or objects in the phenomenal world, we are essentially free
to consciously choose between them, rather be determined BY them. At that
point we start to get into Brezney’s pronoia...where we observe the universe is
conspiring in every way to aid and support our awakening and wellbeing. As we
learn to “obey” Spiritual Eros and the Grain of the Kosmos we are graced with the
fruits of conscious development that are patterned into the fabric of the Universe
itself. We learn more fully to obey through our pleasure/pain circuitry by which
Kosmic-Nature has built us. Timelessness, or synchronization with God’s time is
the ultimate pleasure.
In “Kairos” or God’s time, the Omega is the ground out of which “Chronos”
arises. That is infinity and timelessness ARE the womb out of which temporal
unfolding emerges. The Omega is not over the event horizon, off in an infinity
that can never be reached. This Omega is the omniscience, The Unified Field, the
fecund plenum—or infinite potentiality. Since mind exists in a temporal world,
we tend to banish the Omega beyond the threshold of conscious into never-never
land. But the Omega is closer than our nose—The Omega is US.
This Omega, this enlightenment is the Fourth State! However, this Fourth
State is “spiritual lucidity” or Awakeness or Muse-embodiment itself, it is not
really a “state,” but the “ground” of all states. Integral-Integrity or enlightenment
is the Witness within all states of Waking, Dreaming and Deep Sleep. I like to say
that it is integration (communication/communion) between the hierarchy in the
brain (sub, conscious, trans) from the reptilian/old mammalian/neocortex and the
two hemispheres of the brain. The sacred marriage of the sexes, poles, charges,
and hemispheres. You could also say that Enlightenment is the Kosmos perfectly
ovemaking itself. To achieve this we simply stop our resistance and dissonance
and get into sync with the largest possible destiny...that of the Universe in the

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