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To feel into and connect with the future sense, the cells have to be made more
efficient and cohesive. It is like the global brain or noosphere is syncing faster than
ever, one has to increasingly get out of the way (theta brainwave) in order to keep up.
It is an interesting concept to contemplate is the slower your brainwaves the faster
your consciousness...consider millisecond dreams that seem to last hours. The slow
wave packs more consciousness bites per second. Modern humans think that you
go faster by stimulation, actually you just fry your nerves. After a prolonged period
of Beta state the ratio between potassium and sodium is out of balance, creating
mental fatigue. Theta state resets the sodium & potassium ratios in the brain cells.
The sodium & potassium levels are involved in the osmotic process that transports
chemicals into and out of your brain cells. A brief period of 5-15 minutes of Theta
restores the ratio to normal resulting in mental recharging.
The Guru principle relies on theta trance in order to establish a cohesive
sangha. Osho had a permanent strong theta wave thing going, I mean look at those
eyes, either that or he smoked a lot of weed. Listening to CDs of his voice would
thus be a great vehicle for stabilizing theta. I got my first real taste of stabilized
Spacemind or Quantum mind while listening to Osho in the bath. Studies at the
Center for Neuroacoustic Research have revealed ultra-slow frequencies patterns
below the traditionally accepted lowest Delta rhythms of 0.5 Hz. These ultra slow
frequencies of one quarter cycle per second, one frequency per 10 seconds, per
one minute, or even longer have been called Epsilon. Epsilon states seem to be
associated with very high states of meditation, ecstatic states of consciousness, high-
level inspiration states, spiritual insight and out-of-body experiences. Dr. Jeffrey
Thompson has investigated the left/right hemispheric synchronization of Eureka
consciousness and surmised that the extremely slow Epsilon brainwave patterns
might have extremely fast HyperGamma/ Lambda brainwave patterns modulating
within them - just as the HyperGamma/Lambda (200 Hz) brainwave patterns are
“riding” on a super slow Epsilon modulation.
In the book Song Of The Spine, Dr. Wieder on the neurobiological basis of
vibrational healing describes how sound creates form. She says each bone of
the spine has its own tone and frequency, and that applying specific vibrational
frequencies to the vertebrae generates a sympathetic vibratory resonance that
activate harmonics which maintain health. Joachim-Ernst Berendt also tells us the
foundations of all form is sound: “The science of harmonics knows that any form of
organic life—a fish, a flower, a leaf, a fruit, a beetle, any creature at all—is sound, that
in fact even the “most beautiful” forms of the inorganic world, the crystals, are sound.”
80, The World is Sound: Nada Brama

Overtoning: The Complete Guide to Healing with the Human Voice by Wayne Perry
Deep Listeners: Music, Emotion, and Trancing by Judith Becker — Dr. Jeffrey Thompson. Theta, Epsilon CDs
Kelly Howell’s “The Secret” CD provides remarkable Theta balancing of the head
and enteric brains, and dropping of jaw tension if the CD is used regularly. Also
try herAwakening Kundalini for integration and energy circulation.

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