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Biological Relation to Zero-Point

to Zero Point enerGY
The elixir of life, the universal medicine, The Philosopher’s Stone possesses corpus,
anima, spiritus and supernal powers.
At the ground of Spirit there is Sunyata, Emptiness, Void, Absolute Unity
Being. At the ground of matter there is the Quantum Field, or Void, Vacuum,
Zero point Energy. The “emptiness” of empty space is in fact not empty, but
a great ocean of seething energy. Tom Bearden refers to this ocean of energy as
being of the “time domain.” Energy out of time—time itself he says is actually
compressed energy; and it is energy which is compressed by exactly the same factor
by which matter is considered compressed energy: the speed-of-light-squared!
“We live in a vital, pulsing, living, breathing, bioenergetic cosmos, and life is
everywhere. Patterns of life are riding in the light from the distant stars, from our sun,
in the neutrino flux from the cosmos, in the graviton flux from the cosmos, in cosmic
rays, etc. And so it is small wonder that living cells that form, reproduce themselves,
and die can be induced in the proper primordial soup of nutrients when that soup of
matrix forms and chemicals is bathed in ultraviolet light (one of the magic windows
which contains a greatly enhanced transmission factor for bioenergy, hyperspatial energy,
life energy), and stimulated by electrical spark discharges.” Tom Bearden, Excalibur
Briefing, Bioenergy Collectors
David Hudson was one of the first to rediscover monatomic white powder of
gold or m-state elements in the current era. In the late 1970s the Arizona farmer
David Hudson found some strange materials during gold mining on his land.
Over the following decade Hudson dedicated himself to figuring out how to obtain
and work with these strange materials. When the substance was given to people to
ingest, he said it propelled the individuals into a kundalini awakening and Christ
Consciousness, when they took it as an sacramental initiation after preparing the
body with fasting. Through analysis of the brains of cows and pigs, it is likely
that 5% of our nervous system is composed of monatomic elements. “Over 5% of
the brain tissue by dry matter weight was Rhodium and Iridium. But no one knows
it, because it can’t be directly measured. The elements are flowing the light of life in
your body.”
David Hudson called the strange materials Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic
Elements or ORMEs and monatomic elements in a high-spin or m-state. These
ORMUS elements are stealth elements that scientific instruments cannot detect,
yet can be seen, felt and used for regeneration of cells and DNA repair. They
are abundant in seawater, dirt, rock, plants, fresh water, and the air. Monatomic
elements can be uptaken from food, especially from plant material grown in
certain volcanic areas. ORMUS applied to crops yields greatly increased health,
nutrition, pest resistance and the food holds up longer in storage after harvest. In
fact ORMUS and orgone could be the same thing as the fructigenic energies of
nature that Viktor Schauberger talked about. Any plants fed ORMUS uptake the
elements and show remarkable quality improvement in size, taste, sugar content
and disease resistance.
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