
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Our attitude toward being “out of our depth,” and toward the death of the old
and how well we can accept the Great Unknown, will largely determine how well
we weather our kundalini journey. If we fight with kundalini it will harm us, but
if we learn the cosmic ways of metamorphosis and fall into sublime relationship
with it, trusting the very force of the power itself, it will transform our frog-self
into our Royal being.

The yogic traditions that were developed in response to the evolutionary urge include:

  • Raja Yoga—The development of consciousness

  • Jnana Yoga—The refinement of knowledge

  • Karma Yoga—The science of right actions

  • Hatha Yoga—Power over the body

  • Bhakti Yoga— Right spiritual action, devotion, surrender.

All of us need to develop and integrate these various sides of ourselves to support
a positive awakening, however we will likely be drawn more toward one or another
at various times of our lives. Of course this rounded development is none other
than taking care of the three domains of Being: I, We and It, which is outlined
throughout Ken Wilber’s work. He gives integral Practice suggestions in Integral
Psychology on page 544; and One Taste page 130; and also in The Essential Ken
Wilber on page 105. The Integral Institute has put together a Integral Life Practice
Starter Kit to help with establishing ones own integral spiritual practice. Integral
Spirituality: The Role of Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World by Ken
Wilber, Aug 8, 2006. For a porthole into Wilber World go to: http://multiplex.
Integral lifestyle is essential to balance body, brain function, emotions, intellect
and spirit. If we do not apply ourselves to developing our lives integrally then
we tend to narrow our focus and become habitually lopsided real fast. Then any
self-realization our awakening has given us is undermined by the lack of balanced
foundation to our lives. The amplified energies and awareness of awakening will
tend to exaggerate the insufficiencies in our lifestyle and being, making it easier to
see where we need to apply ourselves.
During a kundalini awakening we are at a lifetime peak in pituitary potency,
this raises our center of being to the psychic level, through which we have access
to a vastly higher vision and taste of reality. While at that level we cannot fit our
larger being down into the consensus flatland “reality,” thus when in this higher
operational mode we become acquainted with our essential aloneness. As well as the
endocrine glands, the spleen, liver, stomach-brain, and the heart-brain are radically
important to the metamorphic process. We can assume that over-utilization of
the reserves in liver and spleen, combined with exhaustion of neurotransmitters,
hormones, enzymes, plus the build up of metabolites are the main cause of the
classic burnout effects. After the 3 year peak is over the pituitary hormones drop
off and we can fall into a slump, losing our psychic abilities, inner-navigation,
motivation, attractiveness and attraction to others, purpose, meaning, drive, zest
etc... From the heights of Everest we may drop back down to crowd consciousness
and forget the power of our visions.

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