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The relative abundance of m-state elements makes them easy to extract and
concentrate using relatively simple chemical and mechanical methods (see Barry
Carter’s site for methods). Modern ORMUS researchers relate these strange
materials to ancient alchemy, Philosopher’s Stone, or the Elixir of Life. the Biblical
manna, shewbread, King Solomon’s gold and the Egyptian mfktz discussed in the
book Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark : Amazing Revelations of the Incredible Power of
Gold by Laurence Gardner. “Shemanna” or Firestone was a sacramental bread
use for spiritual initiation by the ancient Egyptian priesthood. It was made from
monatomic gold powder and frankincense, and was said to be food for the “Ka” or
lightbody. It is thought that ORMUS elements could be the connector between
matter and spirit.
The ORMUS elements are the palladium group precious metals (also known
as the transition or noble metals) in a natural non-metallic form. These deformed
nuclei in a high-spin state, M-State or ORMUS state atoms don’t form metal-
metal bonds with their own kind. In this form they are called “exotic matter” and
exhibit strange properties, such as disappearing, levitation or passing through solid
objects, anomalous responses to gravity, superfluidity and tunneling through solid
objects. They can explode in a flash of white light in the sun, weigh more or less
depending on their temperature and can disappear into other dimensions. We can
humorously refer to the “m” in m-state, as “mystery-state,” whereas in actuality is
refers to “monatomic.” The understanding of exotic matter by Barry Carter and
his colleagues starts with Hudson’s theory but is more comprehensive. He says,
“In order for these atoms to be superconductors in the m-state, they must be at least
“diatoms” and since they are superconductors, they can be manipulated by magnetic
fields. As yet we do not know if the ORMUS elements are monatomic or not. We also
do not know if they are in a “high spin state”.” You can read more about ORMUS at
Barry’s website.
In the monatomic state an atom oscillates in 2 dimensions not 3, weighs only
56% of its normal weight and does not ionically bond with the surrounding
atoms—hence the term mono-atomic. In a monatomic state an atom is larger
ie: it has more space between the particles. In a high spin state the atom interacts
with the zero point and space-time differently. (Investigation of this monatomic
phenomena maybe the key to The Grand Unified Theory.) According to
monatomic theory these atoms in a high spin state are used by life to superconduct
consciousness and energy. Superconductors and lasers are the best known examples
of quantum coherence—communication between atom and atom proceeds via
state resonance. Quantum coherent properties have been observed in biological
systems and in fact that quantum coherence in the microtubules of every cell may
be the key to consciousness itself. The soul-field runs on these m-state atoms,
maintaining the intelligence and integrity of everything we are and ties us into the
All. Monatomic science could lead us into a new understanding of Enlightenment
and a reassessment of our highest spiritual capacities. Bearden says that bioenergy
propagates along superluminal deBroglie waves, moving much faster than light.
Monatomic superconduction might also be the key to precognition, and our

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