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The Keystone~Biophotons

All living organisms emit certain electro-magnetic waves called “biophotons.”
The spontaneous radiation of coherent ’biophotons’ by DNA has been revealed
earlier by Gurvich (1977) and Popp (2000). The Ka, or lightbody, is the biophotonic
radiation of the DNA and protein structures. The biophotons themselves may be
the product of the DNA’s orientation to zero point energy (ZPE). For all we
know DNA might be a crystalline transducer of ZPE. John Worrell Keely said
that Ether (ZPE) is the densest medium; that matter is bubbles in the ether that
flip in and out of materiality at 4 quadrillion times a second. Apart from energy
a photon has zero rest mass, therefore, it travels (in vacuum) at the speed of light,
carries momentum and has a polarization and both wave and particle properties.
Sound and light, or phonons and photons, comprise an elaborate communication
network that extends out into the EMF of the body and throughout the cellular
and subcellular levels.
The coherency of intact healthy DNA and proteins might mean less photons
escape during their quantum tunneling through the molecule. Health represents
a harmonious sympathetic resonance with the Zero Point Energy, more energy
conservation and less biophoton emission. The “equilibrium condition” or health
vibration exhibits more synergy rather than entropy within the healthy DNA
structure, which represents vibrational harmonic attunement with the “Mind of
God”—that is the frequency of the universe. The EMF and Schumann resonance
of the Earth resonates with our DNA; so if humans mess with the ionosphere and
the vibratory energy of the planet, we directly interfere with our DNA. Biophotons
from other organisms in our environment would also affect our DNA health and
expression, thus it pays to live in an organically rich and healthy ecosystem. The
possibility of genetic information exchange between different organisms by means
of polarized EM waves, may drastically change our current paradigm of genetics
and biological evolution.
A dynamic web of light and sound is perpetually being released and absorbed by
the DNA, may connect all cells and serve as the primary means of communication
in the body, regulating all life processes. Thus the biophoton and phonon emissions
from the DNA may be an instantaneous communication device and that is prior
to all other metabolism. Bio-radiation might activate is the short-lived hormone
like messenger molecules eicosanoids and prostaglandins which in turn generate
all metabolism. This theory has profound implications for kundalini, because we
all know that active kundalini means an “increase” in bio-light. Thus we can play
around with the idea of activated DNA giving off increased biophotons and how
alchemical transmutation of the flesh might proceed from the physics of coherent
biophoton radiation to biochemistry. The transmuting body has a higher rate of
cell growth and division and so photon emissions are higher. Yet unlike illness or
cancer this higher frequency of emissions is likely to be more coherent and exhibit
a particular morphic resonance.
We can intuitively get the sense that cellular ecstasy represents heightened
coherent communication between the cells (cellular communion), through the

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