
(nextflipdebug5) #1

light flow itself and the generation of the endocannabinoid neurotransmitter
anandamide and its analogs at the cellular level. I suspect the reason why every cell
of the body is in ecstasy when the kundalini light is flowing, is because the highly
activated DNA emits extra biophotons of a particular harmonic. These photons
interact with cell contents and especially the fatty acids in the cell membranes,
the densest part of the cell. eicosanoids are the major products derived from
the cellular metabolism of arachidonic acid by the enzymes cyclooxygenase
and lipoxygenase. The eicosanoids comprise prostaglandins, thromboxanes,
prostacyclins, leucotrienes and lipoxins. (See “Eicosanoids” for more on cellular
ecstasy and anandamide).
Eicosanoids are cell-to-cell hormonal messengers that never enter the
bloodstream, as they are extremely short-lived with a half-life in the tissues of only
a few minutes. These messengers must be produced in greater numbers by the
increased light flow, which in turn leads to increased activity of all cellular processes.
Thereby beefing up metabolism, protein generation, cell reproduction, hormones
and consciousness itself. Thus the increase in light IS consciousness, which
catalyzes greater or speeder consciousness. This overall heightened transmutational
metabolism leads to the generation of amrita (the Elixir of the Gods) in the
illuminated central nervous system and crystal palace (circumventricular organs)
of the brain. This elixir subsequently enters blood and lymph to enter the right
chamber of the heart and ignites the Solar Heart or Spiritual wisdom.
I thought of this possible mechanism of biophoton generated metabolism after
regularly taking Omega 3 oil, for I discovered I could smell the fish oil through my
skin when the “light” was up and the cells were burning with kundalini. I thought
the smell might be coming through the sweat glands but I wasn’t sweating at
all. So on second thoughts I realized it must have been the increased biophotons
from high kundalini flow hitting the fat molecules in my skin cell membranes
and aspirating aromatic molecules of the fish oil incorporated in my tissues. This,
combined with radically heightened senses to perceive such subtle phenomena.
After ingestion, fish oil is easily incorporated into cell membranes which changes
the cell membrane composition. This alteration will change the cell’s response to
growth factor, hormones, antibodies, etc.
Fritz-Albert Popp found the kinetics of the decay curves of biophoton
emissions to drop off in a hyperbolic fashion because they are coherent. Whereas
an incoherent source of photon emission relaxes according to an exponential
relationship between light intensity and time measurement. We could look to the
light emissions as leading the hyperbolic nature of consciousness, emotions and
chemistry...almost as though light was the matrix or fabric on which our matter
and consciousness was formed.
Looking deeper into this, I think we are talking about the way that all atoms
interact with the fabric of spacetime and zero point energy...each particular
configuration of an atom, collection or combination of atom types has a different
electromagnetic-gravitational-light-sound effect on the fabric of the universe. The
structuring and regulating activity of the biophoton field (lightlike 3D-surface) may

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