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can devote the very best of ourselves to learning all we can, and respecting the
process with the same devotion we would apply to God. A triumphant, successful
kundalini awakening is reliant on our potential to surrender to illumination,
ourSelf and love.
The adventure of Self discovery takes us to our edge, puts us in various life
and death situations that quicken our spiritual metabolism. Through adventure
we evolve by facing challenge and so real life skills are learnt. We grow by living
out our hero’s journey. We discover the various characters, heroes and antiheros
within. How does spiritual practice fit into the Hero’s journey in the making of
soul? Spiritual practice won’t make a soul, only the Hero’s journey will. However,
practice will prepare us and give us resources for the journey. At times a left-
brain methodical approach might be what is needed to build strength, energy and
hope. Kind of like, build ones inner resources and the journey will come! Spiritual
practice helps us maintain our core and ballast as we are going on our adventure,
but it’s not the adventure itself. Our adventure is nothing other than following
our Muse.
Of course it’s helpful to have a guide or friends on the path, but if one wants
to be an independent researcher one needs to do it alone, for the amount of
misinformation and distraction out there is infinite. Also, through having to guide
oneself, one finds the inner guide whom is infinitely intelligent. If we feel the need
to rely on outside sources, we may remain dependent instead of discovering the
source within. The progression of maturity goes: dependent—self-survival—self-
actualization. The more we fail and have to pull “ourselves” up, the further we get
in the process of self-actualization. The beauty of having a teacher or master is that
through state-resonance we can stabilize ourselves faster, and have less secondary
symptoms and fear. But for an investigator such as myself, I have to go it alone, it’s
my duty in consciousness, for only then can I bring “new” riches into the world.
meditation leads to a balancing of the neuronal activity of left/right hemispheres,
overall brain syncopation, balances the sympathetic/parasympathetic nervous
systems, and reduces the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline to provide a
deeper rest, relaxation and recovery period. The inhibiting neurotransmitter GABA
increases in the blood during meditation. Regular meditation will permanently
reduce the baseline activation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis. Some
of the factors that play into meditations beneficial effects are perhaps magnetization
of blood and economy of enzyme use. It probably leads to growth of neurons,
increased dendrite connections, regeneration of receptor sites, conservation of
neurotransmitters, plasticity of brain function, hence enhancing learning and
memory. Not to mention the “optimization” of the hormonal system through
maximizing the health of the pituitary gland. Also with increased ionization of the
cerebral spinal fluid, the action potentials of the nerves are stronger. Thus the body
is able to substantiate the structure of the Higher Self, essentially incarnating a
deeper more profound human experience. So this is like amplifying ones neurology
such that the governing “host” has more conscious control over the bodymind.
Only that which is made conscious can be “dropped.”

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