
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Liquid crystals may flow like a liquid, but the molecules in the liquid are arranged
and/or oriented in a crystalline way. Liquid crystal substances are abundant in
living systems. In particular membranes and lipid cell membranes are a form of
liquid crystal. Their phospholipids molecules are perpendicular to the membrane
surface, yet the membrane exhibits elastic behavior. These lipids can inter-mingle
easily flipping from one side of the membrane to the other, but remain in the
membrane due to the high energy required to leave. These liquid crystal lipid
membrane also host protein receptors that freely float inside, or partly outside, the
membrane. DNA and many polypeptides can also form liquid crystal phases.
Weak external magnetic fields or electromagnetic radiation can easily interact
with the endogenous electric field to alter the alignment of molecules in a liquid
crystal on a global scale. It should be noted that the electro-static fields do not exist in
the absence of charges nor charges in the absence of fields. They are both fundamental
properties of matter. In living organisms it can be said that chemical components,
wherever they posses charges, cannot exist without fields nor can fields be found except
in the presence of charges.” 67, Blueprint for Immortality, Harold Saxton Burr

“Unlike liquids which have little or no molecular order, liquid crystals have an
orientational order, in that the molecules are aligned in some common direction(s),
rather like a crystal. But unlike solid crystals, liquid crystals are flexible, malleable,
and responsive...Liquid crystals typically undergo rapid changes in orientation or
phase transitions when exposed to electric (and magnetic) fields...they have been found
to respond to visible light by undergoing structural transformations that make them
luminesce, i.e., to re-emit light...The chemist George Gray, who has studied liquid
crystals for many years, refers to liquid crystals as “tunable responsive system”, and as
such, are ideal for making organisms.” 173 , Mae-Wan Ho, The Rainbow and the

In bulk water there are high-energy colloids that act as seeds charged to attract
freely roving water molecules. These colloid seeds form the nuclei of liquid crystal
microclusters; the charge of the colloid is made stable through the protection of a
coating such as gelatin, albumin or collagen. Large colloids tend to bounce around
and lose their charge but tiny ones retain their charge. Living organisms such as
the human body are made up of colloids and all their flows are based on electric
attractions. Blood cells have a protective coating of albumen which keeps them
charged, stable and uncoagulated. Wrong (especially cooked) foods destroy the
electric charges on the blood cells, which then coagulate, get sluggish, become
sticky and eventually die.
The cell membrane lipids and proteins are arranged in quasi liquid crystal
arrays, which are easily aligned with electric and magnetic fields. The dissonant
vibratory waves of negative thought, radioactivity and electromagnetic pollution
cause entropic disintegration of our pattern determination. DNA possesses a
vibratory structure (lightbody) that parallels its molecular structure. Thus it is
probable that one of the ways that DNA imparts design to protoplasm is through
its electromagnetic field. Any external electromagnetic and radiation influence
that is contrary to the life force will therefore interfere with the structure building

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