
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Furthermore ionization may form chemically active substances, which in some
cases alter the structure of the cells. Radiation damage to cells may depend on how
sensitive the cells are to radiation. In general, rapidly dividing cells that are relatively
non-specialized, such as the blood producing bone marrow, are more susceptible
to radiation. Thus getting the sunlight necessary for Vitamin D production, along
with a diet that builds the bone marrow, offers important radiation protection.
The new research on vitamin D and cancer reveals that adults should daily take
2,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) and 200 to 400
IU of vitamin E daily to help prevent some cancers, including colon cancer and
breast cancer. Bluegreen algae supports strong bone marrow growth and provides
radiation protection and removal of heavy metals. Inflammation of the liver and
blood vessel walls (endothelium) is increased by toxins such as heavy metals. Any
food high in antioxidants in general, and Marine Phytoplankton in particular, will
help detoxify these foreign chemicals. Marine phytoplankton increases the levels
of Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFA) produced by healthy intestinal bacteria, which
are indispensable to the health of cell membranes, particularly the endothelium.
Mustard greens are notable for bone marrow also due to the high selenium and
beta-carotene. Astragalus restores white blood cell count. Also the oriental art of
Bone Marrow Nei Kung cleanses the marrow and uses internal power to improve
the blood.
Cells can repair radiation damage if it is limited. As we are increasingly exposed
to electrosmog and atomic radiation, I see the field of electromagnetic medicine
and geomancy becoming one of our main areas of interest, as we reach a subtler
understanding of the way the universe is put together. Until recently life on Earth
has always been surrounding by natural frequency pulsations. Electropollution and
increased nuclear radiation levels may cause us to feel more stressed, fatigued and
“out of balance.” Within the discordant radiation and EMF influences, how can
we generate strong structural integrity and immunity to oxidation? There are ways
we can maintain a strong ionic harmony in our colloidal crystalline matrix with
the use of negatively charged alkaline living-water, mucopolysaccharides, silicon,
Himalayan salt (complete mineral array) and clay.
However, I must first point out one of the most readily available reservoirs of
healing force: the electrogeomagnetism of the Earth herself! Grounding by lying
on the ground, or communing with a tree or other aspects of nature, will help to
reinstate the electro-potentials of the cells, giving immunity and recovery from
dissonant vibration contamination. The best places to lie are those that have been
relatively untouched by human hands. Lying on the ground you will feel a lot of
electrical activity in your body and the slow sense of it coming back to sympathetic
vibratory resonance over the course of say an hour on the ground. You may feel the
spine literally “rooting” itself into the earth. Some of the ways nature reinstates our
electrical potentials include mineral pools, swimming in oceans, lakes and rivers,
lying on rocks and grass and burying yourself in the sand at the beach. Love making
with the opposite sex, might also offer this kind of grounding and repolarization,
if the individuals are not already electrically depleted. Besides electro-balancing in

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