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nature, some of the most rapid means of reinstating our ionic potentials are raw
green plant protoplasm, wheatgrass, kelp, clay and seaweed packs and the spinal
shower, Himalayan salt in drinking water.
The streaming flow of protoplasm within the cell increases in velocity with the
increase in electromagnetic charge of the cell’s environment. Thus the motility of
cellular processes would be affected by changes in the body’s EMF, changes in the
ion (orgone) content of the air, gravimetric vibration from the moon and sun, and
solar wind changes—which would in turn change the body’s EMF. To live in an
area that is rich in bio-enhancing electromagnetic charge—such as near the ocean,
in rainforests, near pristine rivers and waterfalls—is to enhance the very speed and
efficiency of processes within the cells. This is no doubt one of the reasons why
our bodies feel better out of doors, and for extended space flight we are going to
have to model the starship on the EMFs of natural systems in order to maintain
the cellular integrity of the crew.
Radiation however is not “all” bad! In “The Anti-Aging Pill” Bill Sardi says that
low dose radiation such as from areas of high natural radiation, can actually enhance
health, in that it stimulates a novel DNA repair mechanism, consequently making
cells more resistant to radiation and may even prolong life. This conditioning
effect is called Hormesis, (from Greek hormæin, meaning “to excite”) involves
positive biological responses to low level exposure to toxins and other stressors.
This is rather like homeopathic’s “law of similars.” The word “homeopathy” is
derived from the Greek words homoios (similar) and pathos (suffering or disease).
Resilience to radiation is of major importance to all lifeforms, especially
kundalini active ones. For when kundi-active we may not be more vulnerable to
EMF damage, but with the supersenses of awakened kundalini you will be much
more aware of such vibrational disturbance in the bodymind. There are many
products on the market that offer electrosmog protection, including a convenient
“Teslar Watch.” The scalar energy expert Dr. Glen Rein demonstrated the ability
of the Teslar watch to shield the body from harmful ELF fields. His results showed
lymphocyte (immune) cell proliferation increased 137 percent in the presence of
the Teslar watch and noradrenalin uptake was decreased by 19.5 percent in nerve
cells, thus acting as an anti-depressant. The Teslar chip emits a frequency of 7.83
Hertz known as the Schumann Resonance, creating a cocoon of EMF protection
and increasing coherency in the biofield.
EMF exposure increases an inflammatory compound that can increase the
excitoxicity of the nerves. EMF-Bioshield® looks like one of the best external
protection out there for radiation protection from computer and TV screens is the
EMF-Bioshield® system. They use the properties of electromagnetic resonance of
rare earth elements (atomic numbers 58 to 71) to produce counter-phase resonance,
which eliminates all harmful radiation effects on life. —Radiation Health Foundation —Bioshield 2000, Polarizers
Cross Currents, The Perils of Electropollution, The Promise of Electromedicine, Robert
O. Becker, M.D.

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