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Sunlight also acts to cleanse, reset and harmonize the effect of EMF-radiation
pollution on the body. Sunlight probably acts to increase the ionic charges and
microclustering of our body fluid and increases the electrical potential of cells
and molecules. Morning sunlight has the greatest therapeutic value, perhaps by
setting the days circadian rhythms and hormone production off to a good start. By
working with the natural rhythms, through “early to bed, early to rise,” we generate
the strongest metabolism for a long disease free life. In p. 37 Bioelectromagnetic
Healing by Tom Valone he says that photons from sunlight are absorbed and stored
to recharge the biophoton batteries in the DNA and that cells absorb photons and
transform their energy into the cell energy molecule ATP (p.54). Refilling our
energy batteries is just one aspect of the multiple benefits of sunlight on the body.
Beta-carotene (Vitamin A) rich skin is resistant to sunburn and wrinkling. It
takes several months on a high beta-carotene diet of green and orange fruits and
vegetables, to build up the carotenes in the skin. Then you can avoid aging while
still getting the plentiful sunlight you need for Vitamin D production, antibacterial
defense and immune enhancement. Back of vitamin D is a contributing factor
to cancer, osteoporosis and perhaps most degenerative diseases. By the age of 70
the skin’s ability to produce Vitamin D declines by 50-70%. If you have been in
metamorphosis for many years you may need to take Vitamin D during the winter
to stop your bones from crying out for sunlight. The discomfort and pain we feel
in the middle of the winter is often due to insufficient Vitamin D and consequent
immune suppression. Sunlight supports blood and immune cell growth in the
bone marrow. When the blood and immune system is happy, we are happy.
Sunlight also increases the mood elevating serotonin hormone and sets the
body to produce healthy levels of melatonin at night. Low light levels during the
day produce too much melatonin when we need to be active and then artificial
lighting at night reduces melatonin production. Cod liver oil contains vitamins
D and A which are beneficial for almost everyone from fall through late spring,
during the cloudy winter season when sun exposure is low. Aloe vera gel from the
living plant leaf applied to the skin prior to sunbathing will prevent sunburn.

The Healing Sun, Sunlight and Health in the 21st Century by Richard Hobday — Topological Geometrodynamics. Motherload
juicy physics site! Matti has many papers that advanced researchers will need to
study to formulate a quantum understanding of kundalini. Please kind researchers
if you use Matti’s work then donate him some money, as the Finnish government
do not yet look after their world class theoretical physicists. —Viktor Schauberger and Living-water
For Bioenergetic Books: Go to the “Life-Energy Science and Biological Mysteries”
at for books by Reich, Schauberger, Burr,
Piccardi, Backster etc... —Borderland Sciences Links

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